Financial Management

Degree: MASTER
Duration: 2 years (4 semesters)
ECTS: 120
Fields of study: Organisational Economy, Financial Managment, Accounting, Management, Econometrics, Pedagogy
Language of instruction: Russian, English (on request)



The Master's degree programme is aimed at training master students with special advanced training in the sphere of planning and managing finances of a wide range of enterprises and organisations. The graduates are prepared for the activity in economic and financial agencies, banks, investment and financial companies, state authorities, teaching and research activity.

In the course of studies the aim of the programme is to train master students in the sphere of social and economic sciences, as well as to get education which allows graduates to successfully work in the sphere of financial management of organisations, demonstrate advanced specialised competences and skills of research which contributes to their social mobility and sustainability on the labour market.

Forms of in-class activity: lectures, laboratory and practical classes, seminars, moderations, active forms of education such as case study, business games and role plays, consultations, students’ individual work.




organisation and management activity:
•    elaborating strategies of developing organisations and their particular departments;
•    managing departments of enterprises and organizations of different forms of property, state and municipal authorities;
•    organising creative teams for solving organization management tasks and managing them;

analytical activity:
•    searching, analyzing and evaluating information for preparing and making managerial decisions;
•    analysing the existing forms of organisation and management processes, developing and substantiating suggestions on their enhancement;
•    evaluating project efficiency considering the uncertainty factor;

research activity:
•    organising research, identifying tasks for groups and individual performers, choosing tools, analyzing the research results, gathering, processing, analysing and systematising information on the research theme, preparing reviews and reports on the research theme;
•    developing models of the processes, phenomena and objects under research, which refer to the sphere of professional activity; evaluating and interpretation of the results obtained;
•    identifying and formulating relevant scientific problems;
•    preparing reviews, reports and scientific articles;

pedagogical activity:
•    teaching management subjects and developing relevant teaching and learning materials in general educational and professional organizations, in organisations of supplementary vocational education.




On successful completion of the course, the student should be able to:
•    make organisation management decisions;
•    manage organizations, departments, teams of employees, projects, networks;
•    develop corporate strategy, programmes of organizational development and changes and ensure their implementation;
•    use the methods of economic and strategic analysis of economic agents’ and markets behavior in the global environment;
•    use modern methods of managing corporate finance for solving strategic tasks; 
•    summarise and evaluate the research results of relevant management issues obtained by national and foreign researchers;
•    present results of the conducted research in the form of scientific report or article;
•    develop educational programmes and methodological support of managerial subjects, apply modern methods and techniques in the teaching process;
•    analyse and develop managerial decisions under uncertainty conditions and risks;
•    perform and substantiate forecast and planned indicators, correct methods of planning according to the dynamics of organizational and environmental development;
•    evaluate the offered variants of decisions in the sphere of financial management, develop and substantiate suggestions on their enhancement considering the criteria of financial and economic efficiency and risks.




Graduates can work in banks, economic, financial, marketing and analytical departments of commercial organizations of all forms of property including those under the standard taxation scheme as well as those using special schemes, in auditing firms, consultation agencies in positions demanding higher economic education, in state and municipal authorities, academic, research and educational institutions. Master students in management can conduct research and take a post-graduate course on successful completion of the master course.

The programme graduates can conduct entrepreneurial and organisational activity in structures where they are entrepreneurs creating and developing their own business.

Дата создания: 17.11.2017 09:21
Дата обновления: 17.11.2017 09:22