Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
ECTS: 240
Fields of study: general psychology, the development of consciousness, thinking, memory, intuition, imagination, personality psychology: stress management, solving difficult situations, self-defence, social psychology, family psychology, basics of advisory psychology
Languages of instruction: Russian, English (on request)
The educational program provides deep theoretical knowledge in the field of psychological education. In the learning process, the student must master the fundamental knowledge in the field of psychology, as well as related sciences. The practical and research activities of the Bachelor of Psychology are concentrated in the field of humanitarian knowledge, theory and practice of studying psychological knowledge. The program provides an in-depth study of the theory and practice of a wide range of psychological sciences, which ensures the fundamental preparation of a bachelor's student for practical activities in the field of psychology.
Forms of in-class activity: lectures, laboratory classes, practical classes, training sessions, and students’ individual work.
practical activity:
• analysing psychological properties and conditions, characteristics of mental processes, various types of activities of individuals and groups;
• preventing deviations in social and personal status and development, in the functioning of people with disabilities, as well as occupational risks in various activities;
• identification of learning difficulties, disorders and deviations in mental development, the risk of antisocial behavior, diagnosis of mental conditions that arise in the process of educational and extracurricular activities;
• disseminating information about the role of psychological factors in maintaining and maintaining mental and physical health, in the processes of upbringing and education, labor and organizational activities, communication;
• formation of attitudes aimed at harmonious development, productive overcoming of life difficulties, tolerance in interaction with the outside world
project, research and development activity:
• participating in conducting psychological research on the basis of professional knowledge and the use of psychological technologies that allow solving typical problems in various scientific, scientific and practical fields of psychology;
• studying scientific information, Russian and foreign experience on research topics;
• application of standardized techniques;
• data processing using standard software packages;
teaching activity:
• teaching psychology as a general discipline; participation in testing based on the results of training;
• preparing teaching materials for students in educational institutions;
• disseminating psychological knowledge for workers in various areas of society;
management activity:
• analysing the forms of organization of interactions with personnel in labor collectives;
• identification of problems that impede the functioning of the organization;
• using regulatory and ethical knowledge in the implementation of professional activities.
On successful completion of the course the student should be able to:
• use the basics of philosophical knowledge to form a worldview position;
• solve standard tasks of professional activity based on information and bibliographic culture using information and communication technologies and taking into account the basic requirements of information security;
• implement standard programs aimed at preventing deviations in social and personal status and development, professional risks in various types of activities;
• select and apply psychodiagnostic techniques that are adequate to the goals, situation and contingent of respondents, followed by mathematical and statistical data processing and interpretation;
• implement standard basic procedures for providing an individual, group, organization of psychological assistance using traditional methods and technologies;
• identify the specifics of a person’s mental functioning, taking into account the peculiarities of age stages, development crises and risk factors, their belonging to gender, ethnic, professional and other social groups;
• formulate professional tasks in the field of research and practice;
• participate in the conduct of psychological research based on the application of general professional knowledge and skills in various scientific, scientific and practical fields of psychology;
• implement basic procedures for the analysis of human problems, socialization of an individual, professional and educational activities, the functioning of people with disabilities, including for various diseases;
• design, implement and evaluate the educational process, the educational environment in the preparation of psychological personnel, taking into account modern active and interactive teaching methods and innovative technologies;
• conduct work with the organization’s personnel in order to select personnel and create a psychological climate conducive to optimizing the production process;
• implement psychological technologies focused on the personal growth of employees of the organization and protect the health of individuals and groups.
The graduates can work at Federal Rescue Service, at Ministry of Internal Affairs, Federal Security Service, and at other security agencies. They can carry out project and team activities, work out tests and tutorials, correct developmental difficulties for children and adults, conduct psychological examination and performance evaluation.
Дата обновления: 23.09.2019 13:57