Psychology: Social Psychology of Personality
Degree: MASTER
Duration: 2 years (4 semesters)
ECTS: 120
Fields of study: social psychology of personality, the foundations of human relations (conflict, harmony, reciprocity, friendship, love, cooperation), psychology of success, work with the unconscious (suggestion, trance, meditation techniques, etc.), social psychology, group psychology (work with people and a group, counselling, training, psychotherapy), the psychology of mass consciousness (mechanisms of influence on people (PR, advertising, self-management, successful management skills)
Languages of instruction: Russian, English (on request)
The programme provides Master’s degree students with deep theoretical knowledge in the field of psychological education. In the learning process, the student must acquire fundamental knowledge in the field of social psychology of personality. The practical and research activities of the undergraduate are concentrated in the field of humanitarian knowledge, theory and practice of social psychology of the individual. The program provides an in-depth study of the theory and practice of relevant branches of psychological knowledge, due to which fundamental training of a graduate student for activities in the field of psychology is achieved.
Forms of in-class activity: lectures, laboratory classes, seminars, consultations, training sessions, independent work of students.
research activity:
• analyzing and systematizing scientific and psychological information on the topic of research;
• stating the problem and defining tasks, developing conceptual models, work plans, implementing programs, selecting methods;
• organizing research, analysis and interpretation of the results;
• preparing scientific reports, reviews and publications based on the results of research, planning, organization and psychological support for the implementation of the obtained developments;
• organizing scientific symposia, conferences and participation in their work;
practical activity:
• developing theoretical and methodological models of psychodiagnostics, technical tasks for the software of expert psychodiagnostic systems;
• preparing psychodiagnostic conclusions and recommendations for their use in research, expert and advisory activities;
• examining social, political, economic, organizational projects in terms of psychological components and the consequences of their implementation;
• psychological counselling in the field of social, educational, political, sports, legal and business activities on issues related to human resource management, organization of work processes, consumer behaviour of products (services), interpersonal relationships, career counselling and career planning, personal growth;
project, research and innovation activity:
• scientific, methodological and economic justification of innovative projects;
• psychological support of the project implementation activities;
• assessment of the readiness of the public, organizations and personnel to implement innovative projects;
management activity:
• determining goals, objectives, organization of the psychological service in various areas of professional activity;
• designing and creating psychological tools for the work of a psychologist, taking into account the requirements of quality, reliability, validity, cost, information, social, economic and ethical security;
teaching activity:
• identifying the needs of society in highly qualified professional psychologists, setting goals, content, forms and technologies of education in the system of higher and additional education;
• systemic construction of educational material, designing training sessions, organizing communication and interaction in training groups, monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of training.
On successful completion of the course the student should be able to:
• pose problems, goals and objectives of the study, based on an analysis of the achievements of modern psychological science and practice, substantiate hypotheses, develop a program and methodological support for research (theoretical, empirical);
• modify, adapt existing and create new methods and techniques of research and practical activities in a specific area of psychology using modern information technologies;
• analyze the basic mechanisms of mental processes, conditions and individual differences, taking into account the anthropometric, anatomical and physiological parameters of human life in the phylo-socio-and ontogenesis;
• present the results of scientific research in various forms (scientific publications, reports) and provide psychological support for their implementation;
• be ready for diagnosis, examination and correction of psychological properties and conditions, mental processes, various types of human activity in norm and pathology, taking into account the peculiarities of age stages, development crises, risk factors, membership in gender, ethnic, professional and other social groups;
• create programs aimed at preventing occupational risks in various types of activities, deviations in social and personal status and human development using modern psychological tools;
• develop and use innovative psychological technologies to solve new problems in various fields of professional practice;
• create diagnostic techniques for the psychological examination of the effectiveness of the implementation of innovative activities in various professional fields;
• identify needs in the main types of psychological services and organize the work of the psychological service in a certain area of professional activity;
• solve managerial problems in the conditions of actually operating production structures, taking into account the organizational and legal foundations of professional activity;
• design, implement and evaluate the educational process, the educational environment in the preparation of psychological personnel, taking into account modern active and interactive teaching methods and innovative technologies;
• participate in the improvement and development of programs of new training courses in psychological disciplines.
Graduates can work in consulting and advertising agencies, cultural and leisure institutions, research institutes, educational institutions, public organizations, state and municipal authorities, etc.
Дата обновления: 23.09.2019 14:41