Department of Music and Methods of Teaching Music

As an independent structural unit, the Department of Music and Methods of Teaching Music originated in 2000. Previously, it was part of the Department of Methods of Aesthetic Education at V.G. Belinsky Penza State Pedagogical University. In a relatively short period of time, the department was staffed with talented musicians. Experienced teachers and young specialists come from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Astrakhan, Tbilisi and other conservatories, as well as cultural, arts and pedagogical universities. They are united by their professionalism, passion for teaching, and desire to promote Russian traditions of musical pedagogy and performance.

In order to strengthen the professional standing, the department actively cooperates with various educational and cultural institutions and organisations in order to arrange master classes and workshops for children and adults and to hold the International Music Competition Festival “Silver Lyre”, science and research-oriented events (namely the International Forum “Music and Education in Today’s World”). The department values its partners and maintains mutually beneficial relations in terms of establishing cultural ties, exchanging best practices, promoting creative enrichment and increasing professional competence.

The milestone event at the department is the International Music Competition Festival “Silver Lyre”. The annual festival brings together Bachelor, Master and Postgraduate students from Russian and foreign educational institutions, schoolchildren from regional art schools and music schools, as well as researchers, education specialists and cultural professionals. It aims at preserving the traditions of classical musical art, upbringing children and youth in moral and spiritual way, identifying talented and promising artists, strengthening professional and creative relations with the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and foreign countries. The participants normally perform in several categories and nominations (instrumental performance and vocal performance).

In addition to education and research, the department contributes to the student life. Many events at the university are held with the active involvement of the creative teams functioning at the department, such as academic choir, ensemble of folk instruments “Kokoryata”, folklore ensemble, orchestra “Veselyi orkestr” (literally merry orchestra), pop ensemble and vocal ensemble “Avenue”. All teams repeatedly receive the titles of laureates at various regional and all-Russian competitions and festivals. Notably, the creative teams are established not only for performances, but mainly for forming the personality of future music teachers and enhancing their skills.




     Teacher Training: Music
     Teacher Training: Music. Fine Art


     Teacher Training: Music Art and Education



Research topics

•    Professional training of a music teacher
•    Promoting creativity among schoolchildren
•    Style development of choral music
•    Performing interpretation of music works
•    Music and computer technologies
•    History of music education
•    Spiritual and moral education through musical art
•    Forming tolerance by the musical and cultural space
•    Health-forming technologies in theory and practice of music education
•    Therapeutic capacities of music
•    Correction of aggressiveness by means of music
•    Development of music abilities
•    Development of polyphonic thinking
•    Development of sensory-effective and sensory-figurative thinking
•    Interaction of arts in music classes
•    Social and cultural activity as a factor of social adaptation among modern youth
•    Revival, preservation and development of cultural traditions


Children Music School no. 1 in Penza
School no. 58 in Penza
Children Art School “Lira” in Penza
Department of Music Art and Lifelong Education, Institute of Fine Arts, Moscow State Pedagogical University
Department of Musical and Performing Arts in Education, Institute of Fine Arts, Moscow State Pedagogical University
Department of Music Education and Methods of Teaching Music, M.E. Evsevyev Mordovia State Pedagogical Institute
Faculty of Music Arts, Penza Arts College
Centre for Education Development in Culture and Arts, Institute for Regional Development of the Penza Region



Dr. Tatiana Shipilkina
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
Head of the Department of Music and Methods of Teaching Music

37 Lermontova Street, building 12, floor 4, office 411
Tel: 8 (8412) 99-80-56
Web-page of the Department of Music and Methods of Teaching Music (in Russian)

Дата создания: 15.03.2014 00:13
Дата обновления: 22.01.2024 15:31