Applied Mathematics: Mathematical Simulation in Economics and Engineering

Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
ECTS: 240
Fields of study: Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Computational Mathematics, Mathematical Models of Ecology and Economics, Mathematical Models of Physics and Engineering
Languages of instruction: Russian, English (on request)



The programme provides Bachelor’s degree students with deep theoretical knowledge in the field of mathematics, computational and applied mathematics, informatics. In the course of studies bachelor’s degree students acquire fundamental knowledge in the field of pure mathematics, computational mathematics, applied mathematics, informatics, as well as their application in creating and researching mathematical models of economics, ecology, engineering and physics. Practical and research activity of bachelor’s degree students is focused on developing computational algorithms, solving new classes of mathematical problems, as well as on solving problems of economics and their software implementation.

Forms of in-class activity: lectures, laboratory classes, seminars, review sessions, and students’ individual work.




research activity:
•    gathering and processing statistical data necessary for calculations in economics and engineering;
•    analysing and making decisions when simulating economic and engineering tasks;
•    debugging the software necessary in subject fields (economics and engineering);
•    making reports, reviews, prepare articles;
•    systematic learning of engineering information;

engineering and manufacturing activity:
•    conducting computational experiments with economic and engineering models, compiling journals for describing the conducted experiments, analysing the results obtained;
•    making reports on the conducted research, introducing research and developments results;
•    analysing variants of solving tasks, making optimal decisions;

organizational and management activity:
•    developing skills of occupational safety;
•    organizing team work, making managerial decisions;
•    compiling technical documents and reports.




On successful completion of the course the student should be able to:
•    work individually;
•    use modern mathematical methods and applied software tools and master modern programming technologies;
•    organize and educate themselves;
•    communicate in spoken and written forms in Russian and foreign languages to solve tasks of interpersonal and intercultural interaction;
•    use standard applied software packages to solve practical tasks on computers, to test applied software;
•    adjust, test and check computers and software tools;
•    solve tasks, take responsibility;
•    organize work of small teams;
•    learn individually new sections of fundamental sciences;
•    apply mathematical tools for solving tasks, use mathematical models relevant to the process and check its efficacy, analyse the results of simulation, make decisions on the results obtained.




The graduates can be employed in all the spheres of scientific and manufacturing activity connected with using methods of applied mathematics and informatics: in research institutions, manufacturing facilities, secondary education institutions, in economic and financial sphere.

Дата создания: 11.06.2019 08:49
Дата обновления: 04.07.2019 10:57