
Degree: MASTER
Duration: 2 years (4 semesters)
ECTS: 120
Fields of study: Biology, Botany, Phytocenology, Plant Ecology
Language of instruction: Russian, English (on request)


The purpose of the Master's degree programme is the development of national scientific school, conducting fundamental and applied research in the field of botany and plant ecology, by preparing highly qualified specialists who are able to solve current problems facing the region.

The master degree programme provides training of highly qualified specialists with theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for preparing, making and implementing effective decisions in the field of organizing botanical research and monitoring population plant development; a combination of practical orientation of training with deep fundamental training;  development of the graduates' innovative abilities;  theoretical and practical research in the field of plant anatomy, morphology and systematics.

As a result, the graduates will be prepared for professional activity in planning and implementing research projects on studying the physicochemical organization of biosystems, identifying patterns of biochemical transformations and regulation mechanisms at the molecular, cellular, and organismic levels; carrying out applied research and solving practical problems in the field of botany; implementing innovative projects under the nanobiotechnology programme at the municipal, national, and international levels.

Forms of in-class activity: lectures, laboratory classes, practical classes, seminars, review sessions, and students’ individual work.


research activity:
•    selecting and justifying the goal, organizing and conducting scientific research on a relevant issue in accordance with the orientation (profile) of the master degree  programme;
•    formulating new tasks arising during the study;
•    selecting, justifying and implementing the methods that are adequate to the goal;
•    developing new theories, models, research methods, methodological approaches;
•    working with scientific information using new technologies;
•    processing and evaluating research results;
•    preparing and executing scientific articles, reports, patents and reports, seminars, conferences.
pedagogical activity: 
•    implementing educational activities in designing and implementing the educational process in general educational institutions and higher education institutions in accordance with the direction of training;
•    implementing teaching activities in professional educational organizations in accordance with the direction of training.


On successful completion of the course the student should be able to:
•    use the basic knowledge of the biosphere theory, understand modern biospheric processes for systematic evaluation of geopolitical phenomena and predicting the consequences of implementing socially significant projects;
•    draw up, submit and report the results of research and production and technological works in accordance with  the approved forms;
•    use the knowledge of fundamental and applied sections of the disciplines (modules) that determine the direction (profile) of the master degree programme in scientific and industrial-technological activity;
•    plan and implement professional events;
•    apply methodological basis of design, field and laboratory biological, environmental research, use modern equipment and computing systems;
•    generate new ideas and methodological solutions;
•    prepare teaching and learning material, deliver lectures, teach in institutions of higher education and manage research work of students, present the teaching and learning material in oral, written and graphic form for different kinds of students;
•    possess knowledge of the principles of structural and functional organization of botanical objects, mechanisms of adaptation to environmental conditions;
•    use a wide range of anatomical, morphological, and taxonomic methods of research of botanical objects, to understand their role in the ecosystem, the biosphere as a whole and economic activity;
•    possess knowledge of population and geobotanical research to study the state of plant resources and their rational environmental management, principles of biodiversity protection;
•    apply knowledge of the patterns and characteristics of the geographical distribution of the main taxa of the plant world, their origin and evolutionary development.


The graduates of this programme will possess a wide range of research and analytical methods in the field of botany and plant ecology, which will allow them to effectively implement their knowledge and skills as biologists, research engineers, research scientists in research and development institutions, and in accordance with the received specialization under the requirements of the Qualification directory of positions of managers.  Also, the graduates of the master degree programme “Botany” will be able to work as teachers in general education institutions, institutions of secondary vocational education and in higher education (according to professional standards “Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education)  , teacher) ", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 544n of 10/18/2013 and" The teacher of vocational training, vocational education and supplementary  vocational education "PS 01.004, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 608n of 09/08/2015).

Дата создания: 18.06.2019 09:08
Дата обновления: 18.06.2019 09:08