Information Systems and Technologies

4 years (8 semesters)
ECTS: 240
Fields of study:
research, development, introduction and maintenance of information systems and technologies
Language of instruction: Russian, English (on request)


The programme is aimed at developing general cultural, general professional and professional competences, training graduates to work in development, implementation and effective use of new information services, systems and technologies in professional activities for information and computer systems for various purposes. The programme is focused on students; mastering basic methods and means of research, developing, introducing and maintaining information technologies and systems, developing software, acquiring practical skills in designing complex information systems, mastering modern technologies for designing and managing professional objects.

Forms of in-class activity: lectures, laboratory classes, practical classes, seminars, review sessions, and students’ individual work.


research activity:
•    managing and conducting research in the team;
•    preparing objects and adopting research techniques;

project designing activity:
•    conducting pre-project inspection (engineering) of the design object, system analysis of the subject area, their interrelations;
•    carrying out technical design (reengineering);
•    carrying out working design;
•    selecting baseline data for design;
•    carrying out modeling of processes and systems;
•    calculating the provision of safe living conditions;
•    calculating economic efficiency;
•    developing, coordinating and issuing all types of project documentation.

project technological activity:
•    designing basic and applied information technologies;
•    developing information technology implementation tools (methodological, informational, mathematical, algorithmic, technical and software);
•    developingcomputer-aided design of information technology.

Production and technological activities:
developing and implementing technologies for objects of professional activity in the following areas: machine building, instrument making, engineering, education, medicine, administration, law, business, entrepreneurship, commerce, management, banking systems, information systems security, process control, mechanics,  technical physics, energy, nuclear power, power electronics, metallurgy, construction, transport, railway transport, communication, telecommunication,  information communication management, postal services, chemical industry, agriculture, textile and light industry, food industry, medical and biotechnologies, mining, safety of underground enterprises and industries, geology, oil and gas industry, geodesy and cartography, geoinformation systems, forest complex, chemical and forestry complex, ecology, service, mass information systems, design, media industry, as well as enterprises of various profiles and all kinds of activities  under the economy of the information society;

Organizational and managerial activities:
•    organizing workplaces, their technical equipment, placement of computer equipment;
•    evaluating the total cost of possessing information systems;
•    assessing production and non-production costs for ensuring the quality of the design object;
•    organizing quality control of input information;

Research activities:
•    collecting and analyzing scientific and technical information, national and foreign experience on the subject of the study;
•    participating in computational experiments to verify the mathematical models used;

Innovative activity:
•    coordinating strategic planning with information and communication technologies (ICT), infrastructure of enterprises and organizations;

Assembling and adjusting activities:
•    installing and debugging software and configuration of technical means for putting information systems into trial operation;
•    building a software system from ready-made components;
•    installing and debugging software, and setting up hardware for inputting information systems into commercial operation;
•    conducting tests and delivering information systems in operation;
•    participating in the testing and commissioning of information systems and their components.

Service and operational activities:
supporting the performance and maintaining information systems and technologies in the given functional characteristics and in compliance with quality criteria;
ensuring the conditions of the life cycle of information systems;
implementing the security and integrity of data of information systems and technologies;
adapting applications to changing operating conditions;
compiling instructions for operating information systems.


On successful completion of the course the student should be able to:
•    solve practical problems in the field of information systems and technologies;
•    carry out modeling of processes and systems;
•    certify a project according to quality standards;
•    design basic and applied information technologies;
•    develop means of implementing information technologies (methodological, informational, mathematical, algorithmic, technical and software);
•    participate in the work on the fine-tuning and developing information technologies in the course of implementation and operation of information systems;
•    organize work of small groups of performers;
•    use mathematical methods of processing, analyzing and synthesizing the results of professional research;
•    form new competitive ideas and implement them in projects;
•    assemble an information system from ready-made components;
•    maintain the performance of information systems and technologies in the given functional characteristics and in compliance with quality criteria;
•    install and debug software and configure hardware to introduce information systems to experimental and industrial operation;
•    choose and evaluate the method of implementation of information systems and devices (software, hardware or software and hardware) to solve the task.


Graduates of the programme 09.03.02 "Information Systems and Technologies" can work as programmers, system and network administrators, designers and specialists in introduction and operation of complex computer corporate information management systems, database administrators, engineers at technical support departments, and information technology managers.
On successful completion of the programme the graduates can continue their studies and take a master degree course09.04.02 "Information Systems and Technologies".

Дата создания: 18.06.2019 09:03
Дата обновления: 18.06.2019 09:03