Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
ECTS: 240
Fields of study: Banking and Banking Operations, Project Financing, Mortgage Credit, Micro- and Macroeconomics, Corporate Finance, Economic and Financial Analysis, Management
Language of instruction: Russian, English (on request)
The given educational programme provides graduates with deep knowledge and skills with the help of which he can achieve high potential of competitiveness on the labour market and successfully apply it to increase Russia’s welfare by developing personal qualities as well as by forming general cultural, general professional and professional competences in the sphere of the Humanities, social, economic, mathematical, natural sciences knowledge, in the sphere of banking, finance and credit, economic and financial analysis, economics of enterprises of different property forms.
On successful completion of the course, the student should be able to:
• analyze the main stages and regularities of historical development of society to form civic position;
• work in a team, be tolerant to social, ethnical, confessional and cultural differences;
• solve standard professional tasks on the basis of information and reference culture with the use of information communication technologies and under the main requirements of information security;
• gather and analyze original data necessary for calculating economic and social indicators characterizing the activity of economic entities;
• analyze and interpret financial, accounting and other information contained in reports by enterprises of different forms of property, organizations, agencies, etc; use the data obtained to take managerial decisions;
• use russian and foreign sources of information, to gather the necessary data, analyze it and prepare informational review and/or analytical report;
• organize the activity of a small group created for implementing the particular economic project;
• draw payment documents and form accounting transactions on tax charge and remission and fees into budget of different levels, insurance premiums into non-budgetary funds;
• conduct payments and cash management of clients, inter-bank calculations, calculations on export-import transactions;
• evaluate credit quality of clients, to check out and administer credits, to conduct operations on inter-bank credits market, to form and regulate target reserves;
• conduct active-passive and mediation transactions with securities;
• prepare reporting documentation and provide control over meeting reserve requirements of Bank of Russia;
• draw insurance transactions, keep records of insurance agreements, analyze the main indicators of sales by an insurance company.
Graduates can work in different departments and agencies of commercial banks and Central Bank of the RF, as well as in economic, financial, production-economic and analytical agencies of organizations of different industries, types and forms of property, in financial, credit and insurance companies, state and municipal authorities, academic and departmental research organizations, higher and vocational education institutions, supplementary education system.
Дата обновления: 22.05.2020 15:35