
Degree: SPECIALIST in Customs
Duration: 5 years (10 semesters)
ECTS: 300
Fields of study: Customs Regulation, Customs Service, Customs Offence Counteraction
Languages of instruction: Russian, English (on request)



The Specialist's degree programme is focused on delivering deep theoretical knowledge in the field of customs regulation and customs service. As a result of the educational process the graduates should be able to apply fundamental knowledge in the field of customs regulation, as well as in the field of external economic activities. Practical and research skills of the specialists cover the fields of economic and juridical knowledge, theory and practice of legal regulation of commodity transfer across customs borders.

The Specialist's degree programme provides advanced studying of the theory and practice of customs regulation leading to complete readiness of the graduates for professional activity in the field of customs services.

The course includes lectures, laboratory practice, seminars and workshops, tutorials, independent student work.




execution of customs operations, application of customs procedures, collection of customs fees and execution of customs inspection as well as other types of state supervision:
•    to teach carry out customs operations; apply customs procedures; execute customs inspection, including with passed commodities, and other types of state supervision;
•    to develop skills of assuring, within jurisdiction, compliance with customs regulations, prohibitions and limitations of commodities transferred across the customs border of the Customs Union; applying commodity code; determining countries of products’ origin and checking correctness of this determination; determining customs values of commodities; checking correctness of calculation, sufficiency and timeliness of customs payments; calculating and collecting penalty fees, interests; recovering arrears; refunding customs fees and other payments;
•    to develop skills of providing, within jurisdiction, intellection property rights protection; executing, within jurisdiction, currency control of transactions associated with transfer of commodities across the customs border of the Customs Union;

law-enforcement activity:
•    to develop skills of conducting administrative violation proceedings in the field of customs services; conducting urgent criminal investigation attributed to the customs jurisdiction;
•    to teach preparation of procedural documentation and carry out necessary procedures when exposing administrative violations and crimes in the field of customs services;

organizational and managerial activity:
•    to develop skills of customs (customs post) and its structural divisions management; organization of executives’ work to execute concrete types of tasks, and services; supervision of division groups, teams, executives and associates;
•    to develop skills of formation of organizational and managerial structures at customs (customs posts); motivation and encouragement of executives, workers and associates to display high-quality performance;
•    to teach collect information to choose managerial decisions;

information analytical activity:
•    to develop skills of keeping customs statistics of external trade and special customs statistics; using information systems, information technologies, means of information protection in customs services;
•    to develop skills of forecasting commodity export and import in a region of a customs body, receipt of customs payments into the income sector of the Federal Budget of the Russian Federation;
•    to teach organize informational interaction between customs bodies and state authorities, organizations, and citizens on the issues regarding customs legislation and other questions entering the competence of customs bodies, using information technologies; analyze customs service results;

research activity:
•    to teach monitor customs bodies, research and forecast goal achievement and task completion;
•    to teach scientifically substantiate suggestions to improve the professional activity; develop methods and organize experiments and tests, analyze their results; prepare proposals to implement research results into the practice of customs bodies.




On successful completion of the course, the graduates should be able to (10-12 key competences):
•    independently solve standard problems of the professional activity on the basis of information resources using information and communicative technologies taking into account requirement of information protection;
•    understand economic processes happening in the society, to analyze Russian and world economy development trends; analyze the potential of regional, sectoral and functional structure of the national economy;
•    organize own labor on the scientific basis, to independently assess own performance;
•    control and supervise compliance with the customs legislation and the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding customs services by participants of external economic activities when carrying out customs operations;
•    conduct customs control and other types of state supervision over customs operations and procedures;
•    fill out and control customs declarations, customs value declarations and other customs documents;
•    calculate customs payments and control the correctness of such calculations, sufficiency and timeliness of payments; collect and refund fees and payments;
•    control compliance with the currency legislation of the Russian Federation during transfers of currency, commodities, RF currency, internal bond-like papers, precious metals and gems across the customs border of the Customs Union;
•    control maintenance of prohibitions and limitation set in accordance with the legislation of the Customs Union and the Russian Federation on state regulation of external trade;
•    organize cooperation with customs bodies of foreign countries;
•    expose, prevent and suppress administrative infringements and crimes in the field of customs services;
•    analyse financial and economic activities of external trade participants;
•    conduct research in various fields of customs activity and to assess the results obtained; to introduce research results in written and verbally.




The graduates can work at customs bodies of any level (the Federal Customs Service of Russia, regional customs offices, agencies, posts), as well as at enterprises involved in external trade.

On successful completion of the Specialist's degree programme the graduate have an opportunity to continue education in postgraduate courses.

Дата создания: 16.10.2017 13:31
Дата обновления: 16.10.2017 13:31