Global Economy

Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
ECTS: 240
Fields of study: Global Economy, International Economic Relations, International Business
Language of instruction: Russian, English (on request)



The programme provides Bachelor’s degree students with academic knowledge and practical skills required in global economy, international economic relations, and foreign languages. Thus the graduates have the opportunity to find employment in international business companies, currency and credit institutions, and finance industry at both national and international levels.

The programme is aimed at developing students’ social and personal qualities, they are motivation, self-discipline, diligence, as well as interpersonal skills, team spirit, responsibility for the results of professional activity, and ability to acquire and apply academic knowledge and new skills.

In the course of the programme Bachelor’s degree students should study phenomena of global economy, international economic relations, international economic activity, international business, international monetary markets, and international currency and credit relations.

Forms of in-class activity: lectures, laboratory work, practical classes, and students’ individual work.




calculating and economic activity:
•    to teach Bachelor’s degree students how to prepare source data for calculating economic, social and economic indicators characterising the activity of economic entities;
•    to form students’ skills of calculating economic, social and economic indicators on the basis of standard methods taking into account the existing regulatory and legal framework;
•    to train students capable of developing economic sections of plans for enterprises under various forms of ownership, for organisations and government agencies;

analytical and research activity:
•    to form students’ ability to seek information according to the task obtained, collect and analyse data required for specific economic calculations;
•    to upgrade student’s skills of processing economic data arrays according to the task obtained, analysing and evaluating the results achieved and justifying the conclusions;
•    to prepare students for constructing standard theoretical and econometric models of the studied processes, phenomena and objects related to the sphere of professional activity, analysing and evaluating the results obtained;
•    to provide students with skills required for analysing and evaluating the indicators characterising social and economic processes and phenomena at micro and macro level both in Russia and abroad;
•    to train students capable of preparing fact sheets and analytical reports, conducting statistical surveys, polls, questionnaires and initial processing of the results obtained;
•    to prepare students for suggesting projects solutions in the sphere of professional activity, submitting proposals and performing actions on implementing the projects and programmes developed.




On successful completion of the course, the student should be able to:
•    collect and analyse source data required for calculating social and economic indicators characterising the activity of economic entities;
•    calculate economic, social and economic indicators characterising the activity of economic entities on the basis of standard methods and existing regulatory and legal framework;
•    perform accounting required for developing economic sections of plans, justify and present the results of work in accordance with standards accepted in the entity;
•    analyse and evaluate financial, accounting and other data contained in records of enterprises under various forms of ownership, organisations and government agencies and apply obtained data for management decisions;
•    analyse and evaluate data of Russian and foreign statistics on social and economic processes and phenomena, indicate trends in social and economic indicators;
•    collect the required data, analyse it and prepare a fact sheet and/or an analytical report using Russian and foreign information sources;
•    foster oral and written communication on professional topics in Russian and English;
•    analyse behaviour of economic entities at national and international market and assess the effectiveness of various forms of international economic activity; 
•    identify economic issues while analysing specific situations in international economic relations, evaluate statistical data concerning international trade and assess its effectiveness for economic agents;
•    analyse and summarise the state and trends in the development of entities of international economic relations, financial and currency and credit markets in global economy.




The graduates are able to work in government agencies, federal and regional authorities, international organisations, Russian and foreign business entities, international economic, financial, currency and credit institutions both at national and international levels.

Дата создания: 16.10.2017 09:33
Дата обновления: 09.11.2017 16:46