Linguistics: Translation Studies and Practice

Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
ECTS: 240
FieldS of study: Linguistics, Translation Studies, Translation Practice
Languages of instruction: English, German, French



The programme provides Bachelor’s students with professional, general cultural, research and analytical competences in translation practice and translation studies.

The programme is focused on training a foreign language professional and a multicultural specialist who is able to facilitate interpersonal and cross-cultural communication.

The graduates obtain translation skills (literary translation, technical translation, business translation, etc.) and interpretation skills (consecutive interpretation, etc.) required for communication in production industry, business and commerce, tourism, administration and other fields.

The effectiveness of the programme is based on complex curriculum that includes theoretical and applied subjects.




•    to provide Bachelor’s students with comprehensive knowledge of several foreign languages;
•    to train professionals with broad general scientific outlook, in-depth knowledge in linguistics and cross-cultural communication;
•    to develop general cultural and professional competences facilitating social mobility and employment;
•    to equip bachelor students with skills required at labour market;
•    to prepare individuals integrated in national and world culture, modern society and focused on its development;
•    to teach bachelor students capable of facilitating dialogue between various ethnic and religious groups and to cultivate tolerant attitude of graduates.




On successful completion of the course, the student should be able to:

applied activity

•    have in-depth linguistic knowledge, comprising phonetic, grammatical and lexical characteristic features and structures of the foreign languages studied;
•    use various linguistic means to achieve communication goals of the statement with regard to the peculiarities of current communication context;
•    express ideas in a foreign language fluently, clearly and coherently;
•    differentiate the characteristic features of official, neutral and informal speech register;
•    know and apply the principal methods of achieving translation equivalence;
•    carry out written translation in compliance with grammatical, lexical, syntactical and stylistic norms and standards of translation equivalence;
•    conduct consecutive interpretation and sight translation in compliance with grammatical, lexical, syntactical and stylistic norms and standards of translation equivalence and temporal features of the original text;
•    apply the system of interpreter’s note-taking for consecutive interpretation;
•    anticipate and deal with various communication situations between the representatives of different cultures and states;
•    know ethical norms and moral standards accepted in different cultures, typical scenarios and patterns of interaction;
•    use etiquette rules in written and oral speech;
•    follow international etiquette and standards of conduct in various situations of interpretation;
•    adhere to the principles of cultural diversity and ethic norms and realise the importance of modern civilisation preservation and development;

research activity
•    accumulate knowledge from different spheres of professional activity and employ it for professional purposes;
•    take into account interdisciplinary links between the subjects studied and understand their significance to future professional activity;
•    present hypotheses and deploy arguments in their favour;

research and methodology activity
•    have solid theoretical basis in methods of foreign language teaching and ways of developing language skills in cross-cultural communication;
•    undertake teaching and learning activity in educational institutions of preschool, primary, secondary vocational and additional linguistic education;

project and management activity
•    organise group and collective activity to achieve common goals of the working team;
•    comply with the requirements of environmental and information safety while performing professional goals;
•    use methods and means of obtaining knowledge, enhancing competences and level of culture.




The graduates are ready to work as translators or interpreters in translation agencies or departments at industrial enterprises, national and international companies and organisations in the sphere of foreign trade, finance, etc.



1st semester ECTS 2nd semester  ECTS
English Language 3 English Language 3
First Foreign Language Practical Course 10 First Foreign Language Practical Course 11
Listening Comprehension 2 Applied Physical Training 2
Physical Training 1 Practice on Acquiring Initial Professional Skills 3
3rd semester ECTS 4th semester ECTS
First Foreign Language Practical Course 6 First Foreign Language Practical Course 7
History and Culture of English Speaking Countries 6 Fundamentals of First Foreign Language Theory 5
Second Foreign Language 7 Second Foreign Language Practical Course 9
Home Reading 2 Home Reading 4
Applied Physical Training 2 Practice on Acquiring Initial Professional Skills 3
    Applied Physical Training 2
5th semester ECTS 6th semester ECTS
First Foreign Language Practical Course 6 First Foreign Language Practical Course 6
First Foreign Language Translation Course 5 First Foreign Language Translation Course 5
Fundamentals of First Foreign Language Theory 5 Fundamentals of First Foreign Language Theory 4
Second Foreign Language Practical Course 5 Second Foreign Language Practical Course 4
Second Foreign Language Translation Course 4 Second Foreign Language Translation Course 3
Applied Physical Training 1 Business English 2
    Applied Physical Training 1
    Practice on Acquiring Initial Professional Skills 3
7th semester ECTS 8th semester ECTS
First Foreign Language Practical Course 5 First Foreign Language Practical Course 3
First Foreign Language Translation Course 4 First Foreign Language Translation Course 6
Fundamentals of First Foreign Language Theory 4 Second Foreign Language Practical Course 3
Second Foreign Language Practical Course 5 Second Foreign Language Translation Course 3
Second Foreign Language Translation Course 3 First Foreign Language Interpretation Course 2
First Foreign Language History 2 History of English Literature 2
First Foreign Language Interpretation Course 2 Fundamentals of Second Foreign Language Theory 2
    Pre-Graduation Practice 3

The detailed description of the disciplines is provided on request.

Дата создания: 16.10.2017 09:54
Дата обновления: 08.12.2017 16:21