Sociology: Public Sphere Sociology
Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
ECTS: 240
Fields of study: social sciences and humanities, methodology of social cognition,social advertising and marketing
Languages of instruction: Russian, English (on request)
The field of professional activity of graduates includes the study of the social, economic, political and spiritual state of society, patterns and trends of its development by sociological methods. The objects of professional activity of graduates are social processes and structures at the macro and micro levels, social communities and social relations within and between these communities, public consciousness, as well as the results and ways of influencing social communities and social relations.
Forms of in-class activity: lectures, laboratory classes, practical classes, supervision, and students’ individual work.
research activity:
• preparing and conducting fundamental and applied sociological research at the stages of planning, collection, processing and analysis of data;
• processing of social, demographic, economic, and other relevant empirical information using a wide range of sources based on the use of modern information technologies, computer facilities, communications, and communications;
project, research and development activity:
• developing methodological tools, regulatory documents, information materials for the implementation of research, analytical and consulting project activities;
• developing, implementing and disseminating the results of public opinion research projects;
• scientific and methodological, technical and information support of marketing research for various target audiences, participation in the development of recommendations for marketing services;
management activity:
• forming and analysing information that provide monitoring of the social sphere, developing measures of managerial influence on it and assessing the effect of managerial influence, including the audit of information sources in order to assess their need, adequacy and reliability;
• participating in the organization of managerial processes in government and management bodies, local authorities, administrative and administrative units of organizations and institutions;
teaching activity:
• preparing and conducting classes in sociology, social studies and other social and humanitarian disciplines in general and professional educational organizations;
production and applied activitiy:
• maintaining the regulatory, methodological and informational base of research in order to develop and successfully implement programs for the social development of enterprises, institutions, territories and other communities;
• developing measures aimed at solving social problems;
• analysing changes in the personnel of enterprises and institutions, professional qualifications and demographic composition of employees;
• disseminating sociological knowledge, advising employees of governing bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations in resolving social issues.
On successful completion of the course the student should be able to:
• use the basics of economic knowledge in various spheres of life;
• use the basics of legal knowledge in various spheres of life;
• communicate verbally and in writing in Russian and foreign languages to solve problems of interpersonal and intercultural interaction;
• solve standard tasks of professional activity based on information and bibliographic culture using information and communication technologies and taking into account the basic requirements of information security;
• analyze socially significant problems and processes with impartiality and scientific objectivity;
• use the basic principles and methods of the humanities and socio-economic sciences in solving professional problems;
• formulate goals, set specific tasks of scientific research in various fields of sociology and solve them using modern research methods using the latest domestic and foreign experience and with the use of modern equipment, equipment, information technology;
• participate in the preparation and execution of professional scientific and technical documentation, scientific reports, to present the results of sociological studies, taking into account the characteristics of the potential audience;
• compile and submit research and analytical development projects in accordance with regulatory documents;
• find organizational and managerial decisions in unusual situations and the willingness to bear responsibility for them;
• use the knowledge gained in teaching sociology;
• use knowledge of the methods and theories of social and human sciences in analytical work, counseling and examination in the framework of industrial and applied activities;
• make recommendations for improving the social policy of the region.
Graduates can work in consulting and advertising agencies, cultural and leisure institutions, research institutes, educational institutions, public organizations, state and municipal authorities, etc.
Дата обновления: 23.09.2019 14:08