Social Work: Social Services
Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
ECTS: 240
Fields of study: social sciences
Languages of instruction: Russian, English (on request)
The main educational program in the field of “Social Work” is aimed at fulfilling the needs of society in expanding the range of social services to the population and improving their quality. The main goal of this programme is to provide a bachelor's level of training that meets modern social needs, which involves the formation and development of students' personal qualities and abilities, such as awareness of their civic position in solving social problems; understanding of personal responsibility for the quality of professional knowledge and skills; willingness to improve their professional characteristics; the ability to optimally use your communication potential to solve professional problems; the ability to think big, correlating the content of specific practical situations and the general social context. The realization of this goal is ensured by the formation of general cultural, general professional, professional competencies defined by the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education, as well as special competencies recorded in the work programs in the disciplines.
Forms of in-class activity: lectures, laboratory classes, seminars, consultations, independent work of students.
socio-technological activity:
• identifying and assessing the needs of individual citizens, families and other social groups in social security, social assistance and social services;
• selecting and / or adapting standard social technologies aimed at ensuring human rights in the field of social protection for individual and public well-being;
• implementing social work technologies and social protection measures in order to improve the living conditions of citizens and families;
• the provision of standard social, social, medical, socio-psychological, socio-pedagogical, social-labor, social and legal services, as well as services in order to increase the communication potential of individuals and families;
• assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of social protection technologies for citizens, including the quality of social services;
• management of social risks arising during the life of a person, family and other social groups, based on modern strategies and models of social assistance;
• using technologies to enhance human potential in order to improve the conditions of his life and individual well-being;
• representing the interests and needs of various population groups in interprofessional, interfaith cooperation, in various state, public, religious organizations and structures;
management activity:
• implementing planning, organization and controlling over the implementation of social protection measures, including social services;
• ensuring organizational and managerial activities in organizations or units that implement measures of social protection of citizens;
• organizing, implementing and developing network technologies and interagency cooperation, in order to ensure the social rights of citizens and families;
• identifying and mobilizing resources of organizations, public associations and individuals for the implementation of measures for the social protection of citizens;
• using marketing technology in the implementation of social work;
• maintaining the necessary documentation and organizing workflow in departments of organizations that implement measures of social protection of citizens;
research and social design activity:
• organizing and conducting applied research in the field of social work;
• analyzing the data using quantitative and qualitative methods;
• using information technology to collect and analyze the necessary data;
• creating analytical reports on the problems of the quality of the provision of social services;
• participating in social project activities aimed at improving the quality of social work and ensuring the social well-being of the individual and society;
pedagogical activity:
• participating in the organization of activities to meet the special educational needs of various groups of the population, aimed at increasing the level of their social adaptation and rehabilitation, ensuring a healthy lifestyle;
• implementing educational activities in the system of general, professional and additional education;
• implementing professional self-education and personal growth.
On successful completion of the course the student should be able to:
• set and justify the goal in the process of implementing professional activities and the choice of ways to achieve it;
• use in the professional activity the basic laws of natural sciences, including medicine, to apply the methods of mathematical analysis and modeling, theoretical and experimental research;
• take into account the specifics and the modern combination of global, national and regional, especially the ethnocultural development of one’s country and sociocultural space, the behavior of various national-ethnic, gender and age and social class groups, as well as the infrastructure for ensuring social welfare of citizens;
• apply psychological and pedagogical knowledge to solve problems of social, national-state and personal development, problems of social well-being of the individual and society;
• provide a high level of social culture of professional activity and to observe professional and ethical requirements in the process of its implementation;
• prevent and prevent personal professional degradation, professional fatigue, professional “burnout”;
• present the results of scientific and practical activities in the form of reports, abstracts, publications and public discussions.
• select, develop and effectively implement social technologies and social work technologies aimed at ensuring human rights in the field of social protection;
• provide social protection measures, including social security, social assistance and social services, with the aim of improving the living conditions of a citizen and expanding his ability to independently provide for his basic necessities of life, by mobilizing his own forces, physical, mental and social resources;
• assess and control the quality of the provision of social services, social security and social assistance measures based on the achievements of modern qualimetry and standardization;
• use legislative and other regulatory acts of the federal and regional levels to provide social services, social security, social assistance measures and the legal regulation of social protection of citizens;
• prevent circumstances, determining the need of citizens in social services, measures of social assistance;
• implement interagency interaction and coordination of activities of specialists, social service organizations, public organizations and / or individual entrepreneurs providing social services and other measures of social protection of the population;
• organizational and managerial work in departments of organizations implementing measures of social protection of citizens;
• maintain the necessary documentation and organize workflow in organizational units implementing social protection measures for citizens;
• create conditions for ensuring public-private partnership in the process of implementing social work;
• identify, formulate, solve problems in the field of social work on the basis of applied research, including surveys and monitoring, to use the results and statistical reporting data to improve the effectiveness of social work;
• carry out forecasting, designing and modeling of social processes and phenomena in the field of social work, expert assessment of social projects.
Graduates can work in the following fields of professional activity: social protection of the population; social services; spheres of education, health care, culture; medical and social expertise; the penitentiary system and the system of organizations that regulate employment, migration, and emergency assistance; enterprises and firms of various types of activities and forms of ownership, non-profit organizations.
Дата обновления: 23.09.2019 14:23