Computer Science and Computer Engineering: Software for Computers and Automated Systems

Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
ECTS: 240
Fields of study: Informatics, Programming, Engineering Computer Components and Units
Languages of instruction: Russian, English (on request)



The programme provides Bachelor’s degree students with academic knowledge and practical skills required in information technology and computer engineering. In the course of the programme the students should acquire extensive knowledge in the sphere of information science and related sciences.

The programme is aimed at training Bachelor’s degree students in computer engineering capable of conducting individual research, developing and modelling software and hardware computer systems that meet the requirements of reliability, design, and operating conditions. The objective of the programme is to advance social skills and personal qualities, they are motivation, self-discipline, diligence, team spirit, tolerance, ability to acquire and apply academic knowledge and new skills.

Forms of in-class activity: lectures, laboratory work, review sessions, practical classes, course project engineering, and students’ individual work.




research activity:
•    analysing scientific and technical data, Russian and international experience in accordance with the topic of the research;
•    mathematical modelling of processes and objects based on standard packages of computer-aided design and research works;
•    conducting experiments using methods defined and analysing the results;
•    performing measurements and observations, describing the research conducted, preparing data for reviews, reports and scientific publications;
•    compiling a report on fulfilling the task, participating in the implementation of research results and inventions;

project and engineering activity:
•    retrieving and analysing source data for engineering;
•    developing hardware and software (systems, devices, units, programmes, data bases) in accordance with the technical task using means of computer-aided design;
•    elaborating and preparing project and technical records;
•    monitoring compliance of the developed projects and technical records with standards, technical conditions and other regulations;
•    determining preliminary technical and economic feasibility of calculations within the project;

project and technological activity:
•    applying modern software tools while designing software;
•    using Web-technologies while implementing remote access in the systems of client/server and distributed computing;
•    applying standards and default methods while monitoring and assessing the quality of software products;
•    working on the automation of technological processes while preparing manufacture of new products;
•    studying and applying modern software and teaching-aid packages for research and computer-aided design.




On successful completion of the course, the student should be able to:
•    install hardware and software for information and automated systems;
•    adopt methods of applying software for addressing practical challenges;
•    develop business plan and prepare technical tasks on equipping departments, laboratories and offices with computer and network facilities;
•    customise and install software and hardware packages;
•    solve standard tasks of professional activity based on information and reference sources using information and communication technologies and taking into account the requirements of cyber security;
•    develop models of information systems components, including models of data bases and human-computer interface models;
•    design components of hardware and software packages and data bases using modern programming tools and techniques;
•    prepare notes and provide staff with lessons on applying software and teaching-aid packages used at the enterprise;
•    analyse the requirements for software;
•    develop software and hardware.




The graduates are employed as software engineers and system administrators at industrial, scientific and educational enterprises of all levels and types.

Some graduates may opt to continue studies and to complete a Master’s degree programme.

Дата создания: 01.11.2017 11:02
Дата обновления: 03.03.2021 16:37