Department of Mathematics and Supercomputer Simulation
The Department of Mathematics and Supercomputer Simulation was established in 2002 to launch the educational programmes in the study field of mathematics. Its students are trained to apply for jobs associated with mathematical methods and computer technology; to create and use mathematical models of processes and items; to develop effective mathematical methods for face challenges in science, technology, economy and management; to design and use software products in the field of information technology, as well as to support research, engineering and management activities.
Graduates of the department work in research institutes, high-tech companies, universities, business, banking sector, and municipal organisations. They may also opt for completing post-graduate courses and conducting research.
In the Penza Region the Department is the leader in research work in the field of supercomputer modelling and supercomputing. It has close ties with the universities in the USA, Japan, Germany, and Sweden. The research results of the department are widely known in Russia and abroad and presented at national and international symposia and conferences.
Its staff have published more than 200 scientific papers, including 5 monographs (2 of them are released in English in the Netherlands), 8 study guides (one of them is published in English in Sweden), more than 20 publications in foreign journals.
The Department of Mathematics and Supercomputer Simulation is included in the top 3 units at PSU in terms of funds attracted for research. During the existence of the department, its team has won about twenty grants, including international ones.
Computational Mathematics and Computer Sciences
Computational Mathematics and Computational Mechanics
Computational Mathematics
Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems and Optimal Control
Mathematical Simulation, Numerical Methods and Software Systems
Research topics
• Mathematical methods for solving boundary value problems in electrodynamics, acoustics, optics
• Theory of operator sheaves and operator functions
• Integro-differential and pseudo-differential equations
• Numerical methods for solving ill-conditioned problems
• Parallel computational algorithms for solving problems on supercomputers
Aalto University (Finland)
Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden)
Chuo University (Japan)
Clausthal University of Technology (Germany)
Institute of Computational Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)
Macquarie University (Australia)
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia)
University of Gävle (Sweden)
University of North Carolina at Charlotte (the USA)
Prof. Dr. Yury Smirnov
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Sciences, Professor
Head of the Department
40 Krasnaya Street, building 8, office 610
Tel: +7 (8412) 20-83-92
Web-page of the Department of Mathematics and Supercomputer Simulation (in Russian)
Дата обновления: 20.07.2023 10:22