Department of Automation and Remote Control

The Department of Automation and Remote Control was established in 1964. Over the years, it has graduated about 4000 specialists, trained 40 Candidates of Sciences and 9 Doctors of Sciences. Today, its staff conduct training, which combines the traditions of classical education within engineering sciences and modern trends in the development of management systems and information technologies, which contribute to modernising industry and economy.

The educational process at the department is carried out in modern computer classes and specialised laboratories with unique equipment. This enables students to acquire knowledge necessary for future job in such areas as information technology, information networks and telecommunications, microprocessor systems, multimedia technologies, intelligent and robotic technologies, etc. Learning is harmonised with students’ R&D in the department research society “Eureka”. Its members annually participate in scientific and technical competitions and conferences of various levels, including international ones, publish their papers in field-specific journals.

The main research areas of the department lies in nonlinear and adaptive information processing and control systems and such applications as: nonlinear filtering of multidimensional discrete signals and fields; adaptive express analysis of rapidly changing processes in technical systems; simulation and identification of nonlinear systems based on Volterra-Wiener expansions; neural network information processing technologies; wavelet analysis of signals and images; adaptive control of continuous processes in complex technical systems.

Researchers developed a new generation of equipment for balancing bodies of revolution in vibration mode, which has fundamental advantages in creating automated balancing complexes. Certain samples were manufactured and implemented at the enterprises of the Russian Federation. international patents for this development are at the final stage of registration in eight countries (USA, UK, Germany, Italy, India, China, Brazil, and Australia). The theoretical foundations for constructing monitoring and control systems for complex technical facilities operating under non-stationary disturbances were developed on the basis of spectral methods and methods of optimal, adaptive, neural network and robust control. This is just a fraction of advancements made by the department.

For a number of years, the department has been working on creating an educational and methodological complex and hardware and software that allow acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities in computer-aided design and operation of modern intelligent control systems based on SCADA systems.



     Technical Systems Control: Control and IT in Technical Systems


     Technical Systems Control: Intelligent Control Systems


     System Analysis, Information Managing and Processing


Research topics

•    IT architecture of digital enterprise
•    Nonlinear and adaptive information processing and managing systems
•    Synthesis of nonlinear control laws for automated systems
•    Special-purpose automated control systems and operator training
•    Automated detection and recognition systems based on nonparametric models
•    Structural methods for improving accuracy of measuring circuits in sensors
•    Research and development of algorithms and tools for a system forecasting and analysing energy consumption


Research Institute for Physical Measurements
Krug LLC
MegaFon OJSC


Prof. Dr. Mikhail Shcherbakov
Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor
Head of the Department

40 Krasnay Street, building 3, office 304
Tel: +7 (8412) 64-36-33
Web-page of the Department of Automation and Remote Control (in Russian)

Дата создания: 06.07.2020 10:32
Дата обновления: 22.01.2024 15:23