Department of Information Security of Systems and Technologies

Training of specialists primarily in electromechanical equipment and currently in information security started at the Department of Information Security of Systems and Technologies in 1953. The department evolved throughout the years and coordinated its educational programmes with labour market requirements.

The department arranges and holds information security competitions for both students and schoolchildren. The information security competition in CTF format for students is organised annually and held in two main formats (problem solving and attack-defence). Career guidance work with schoolchildren includes Interregional Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Mathematics and Cryptography and I.Ya. Verchenko Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Computer Science and Security.

During their studies, students are engaged in research and development. The department supervises the student research centre “Information security of systems and technologies”, which is composed of several student research teams focusing on methods and means ensuring information security of telecommunication systems; protected telecommunication systems; processes, methods and models of information security management; devices for secure telecommunication systems; modelling information systems in GPSSWORLD environment; systems administration.

Staff of the department established the Regional Educational and Scientific Centre “Information Security”. Its participants carry out fundamental and applied research on cyber security, digitalisation, information security, software design and others and based on research results they produce educational, scientific and methodological papers. They initiate workshops, conferences and exhibitions to present achievements of R&D in information security. In addition, the centre provides information, analytical, reference and engineering services to various organisations in the field of information security of systems and consults legal entities and individuals on problems related to the development and operation of information systems in the context of external and internal destabilising factors. It also contributes to joint activity of organisations and institutions ensuring the effectiveness of their cooperation within research on information security.



     Information Security of Telecommunication Systems
     Information Security of Automated Systems


     Information Security Methods and Systems. Information Security


Research topics

•    Informatisation and digitalisation
•    Information security
•    Development of information systems
•    Design of integrated systems and information security tools
•    Development of legal framework for informatisation and digitalisation
•    Fight against cyber crime


ATLAS Research and Technological Centre
Elektropribor JSC
Penza Research Electrotechnical Institute
Radiozavod JSC
Rubin JSC


Dr. Sergey Zefirov
Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor
Head of the Department

40 Krasnaya Street, building 4, office
Tel: +7 (8412) 20-84-35
Web-page of the Department of Information Security of Systems and Technologies (in Russian)

Дата создания: 06.07.2020 10:35
Дата обновления: 30.01.2023 10:31