Speaking and Writing Practice

Semesters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


Form of assessment: exam



• help the students acquire solid basics of language skills necessary for effiective communication;
• build awareness of grammar and coherent organization of information;
• revise and extend the knowledge of general and specific vocabulary.




On successful completion of this course of study students should be able to:
• display competent knowledge of grammar and vocabulary;
• display intelligible pronunciation of sounds, use adequate stress, intonation and prosodic patterns;
• demonstrate organizational and study skills including self-evaluation;
• communicate in a foreign language withour great effort or misunderstanding for all parties involved.




Food. Healthy living. Cooking. National cuisine. Traditional dishes. Recipes. Healthy food and longevity. Eating out. Shopping for food.

Clothes and fashion. History of fashion. Favourite outfits. Shopping. Personal belongings. Money.

Education. Studying at a university. Studying foreign languages. Student life. Language learner advice. Higher education in the modern world. Self-study.

Дата создания: 20.10.2017 15:53
Дата обновления: 23.10.2017 10:20