Department of Applied Psychology

Preserving the best traditions of Russian science, the Department of Applied Psychology has been covering many areas of psychological education since its establishment in 2000. The learning and teaching process aims at sharing professional knowledge and practical skills in psychology and pedagogy. Students explore such disciplines as Age-Related Psychology, Psychodiagnostics, Pedagogical Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Psychological and Pedagogical Correction, Social Psychology and many others. After graduation students may conduct psychodiagnostics, organise psychological trainings and provide psychological assistance.

The department expands research in such areas as developmental psychology, psychocorrection, clinical psychology, psychology of family relations. In this regard, it operates the Laboratory of Practical Psychology, which brings together creative teams of students, teachers and practitioners, who jointly develop educational, methodological and research products and provide research services. In addition, two student research teams function at the department, namely “Challenges in Applied Psychology” and “Scientific Aspects of Psychological Counseling”.

The Department of Applied Psychology is actively engaged in awareness raising and career guidance. Students build teams under the initiative “School of a Young Psychologist” and conduct psychological trainings for Penza schoolchildren under the guidance of their supervisors. Teaching staff of the department also conduct elective subjects in schools, lyceums and gymnasiums of the Penza Region, for example “On the Way to Self” and “Psychology for Senior Schoolchildren”. An important activity of the development is career guidance meetings with schoolchildren, who may assess their strengths and weaknesses and choose their further study trajectory.




     Psychological and Pedagogical Education: Education Psychology


     Social Psychology in Education



Research topics

•    Problems of clinical psychology
•    Academic performance in the aspect of psychological and physiological knowledge
•    Developmental psychology and developmental psychology
•    Family psychology and family counseling
•    Gender psychology and issues of gender socialization
•    Modern stage in the development of psychological diagnostics
•    Moral consciousness of preschool children
•    Modern problems of psychological correction
•    Influence of mass media on the formation and development of children
•    Development of children of preschool and primary school age
•    Questions of ethnopsychology
•    Developmental problems in adolescence
•    Xenophobia in the modern socio-cultural space
•    Problem of understanding the scientific text by students
•    Career guidance activities of a teacher-psychologist
•    Forming personal maturity of students
•    Possibilities of a neuropsychological approach in working with children with disabilities


Penza Gymnasium no. 4 “Steps”
Penza Lyceum no. 55
Family Plus Psychology Centre
Feltrica Company



Dr. Irina Medvedeva
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor
Head of the Department of Applied Psychology

37 Lermontova Street, building 12, floor 4, office 347
Tel: +7 (8412) 20-39-73
Web-page of the Department of Applied Psychology (in Russian)

Дата создания: 15.03.2014 23:22
Дата обновления: 20.02.2025 14:44