Department of Pre-School Education and Defectology

The Department of Pre-School Education and Defectology was established in 1980 to provide psychological and pedagogical training for future kindergarten teachers, primary school teachers, speech and language therapists.

The teaching and learning process primarily focuses on practice-oriented disciplines, such as Pre-School Pedagogy, Practical Child Psychology, Theory and Methodology of Preschool Education, Management of Preschool Education, Organization of Work in Pre-School Institutions. This is complemented by elective disciplines, e.g. Theory and Methods of Introducing Preschoolers to Social Reality, Children with Mental Retardation, Modern Technologies for Child Development in Play. In addition, students receive working knowledge in humanities, social sciences, economics, mathematical, natural sciences, which creates the basis for the competitiveness of future specialists. This ensures that the graduates of the department are in demand in many areas of human activity.

Students of the department are encouraged to conduct research, including through three student research teams, namely “Modern aspects in theory and practice of preschool education”, “Current problems of speech therapy to correct speech disorders” and “Modern challenges in preschool education”. Students are winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad “I am a Professional” and L.S. Vygodsky International Competition.

Students and teaching staff of the department take an active part in arranging and conducting educational events of various levels. They are teaching ingenuity contest “Pedagogical Debut”, pedagogical olympiad for schoolchildren and students, competitions, role-playing games and master classes within the “Festival of Science”.

The department actively cooperates with schools, preschool and correctional institutions in the Penza Region, Penza Pedagogical College, Scientific and Practical Centre “Psychotherapy”, as well as with the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Education. Close collaboration with various educational institutions in the Penza Region and beyond allows the graduates to find the job to their liking.




     Special Education (Defectology)
     Teacher Training: Primary Education


     Special Education (Defectology)
    Teacher Training: Primary Education



Research topics

•    Formation of tolerance in primary schoolchildren
•    Features of language development in children with general speech underdevelopment
•    Synergy-based pedagogy
•    Teaching conditions for forming social health of junior schoolchildren
•    Development of self-perception of children with intellectual incapacity
•    Activation of speech communication in senior preschool children with general speech underdevelopment
•    Psychological readiness for school
•    Monitoring, control and evaluation of educational results, assessment of achieving planned results in primary school


Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Education
Penza Child Development Centre “Academy Rostum”
Penza Kindergarten no. 109
Penza Kindergarten no. 31
Penza Kindergarten no. 123
Penza Kindergarten no. 5
Penza Correction School no. 54
Penza School no. 30
Department of Education in the city of Penza



Dr. Lunika Korchagina
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
Head of the Department of Pre-School Education and Defectology

37 Lermontova Street, building 12, floor 4, office 420
Tel: 8 (8412) 99-80-54
Web-page of the Department of Pre-School Education and Defectology (in Russian)

Дата создания: 06.10.2023 15:41
Дата обновления: 09.10.2023 10:20