PSU enters the Global Aggregated Ranking of Universities

20.12.2024 09:23

The latest results of the Global Aggregated Ranking of Universities have been published. Penza State University has been included in it for the past several years. In 2024, it took 127th place among Russian universities.

In total, the ranking includes 3,987 universities from 140 countries, including 165 universities from Russia.

The ranking was compiled by the Association of the Guild of Experts in the Field of Professional Education.

The Global Aggregated Ranking includes 12 of the most authoritative global institutional rankings and the European database of accredited programmes DEQAR. Each ranking has its own niche, methodology, data sources and indicators. The aggregator of independent higher education assessment allows you to take into consideration all the variety of rankings and evaluate universities objectively.

The aggregated ranking is a cumulative fixation of the university's place in other world rankings.

It should be noted that PSU is the only Penza university included in the Global Aggregated Ranking.

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