
04.03.2025 09:11 Chabota Munsanje represented the Institute of International Cooperation at the Miss PSU contest
On 28 February, the final of the Miss Penza State University contest was held, in which a student of the Institute of International Cooperation took part.
On 28 February, the final of the Miss Penza State University contest was held, in which a student of the Institute of International Cooperation took part.

06.02.2025 14:23 PSU is one of the best universities in the competition of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for support of the Student Scientific Society
Penza State University is one of the best universities in the country in the competition of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for the support of Student Scientific Societies.
Penza State University is one of the best universities in the country in the competition of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for the support of Student Scientific Societies.

24.12.2024 10:40 PSU student from Kyrgyzstan Nurgazy Kyzy Kanykei takes part in the Russian national award "Student of the Year"
From December 15 to 20, 2024, the Expocentre in Moscow hosted the final of the Russian National Award "Student of the Year" - a unique competitive and educational project for students of educational institutions of the Russian Federation who have special achievements in academic, scientific, sports, creative and social life.
From December 15 to 20, 2024, the Expocentre in Moscow hosted the final of the Russian National Award "Student of the Year" - a unique competitive and educational project for students of educational institutions of the Russian Federation who have special achievements in academic, scientific, sports, creative and social life.

24.12.2024 10:39 PSU enters the ranking of the most environmentally friendly universities in the country and the world
Penza State University has once again confirmed its title as one of the most environmentally friendly universities in the country and the world. This is evidenced by the world ranking UI GreenMetric World University Ranking - 2024, which evaluates the environmental friendliness of campuses and the environmental sustainability of universities. In fact, it reflects the influence and participation of the university in improving the environment.
Penza State University has once again confirmed its title as one of the most environmentally friendly universities in the country and the world. This is evidenced by the world ranking UI GreenMetric World University Ranking - 2024, which evaluates the environmental friendliness of campuses and the environmental sustainability of universities. In fact, it reflects the influence and participation of the university in improving the environment.

24.12.2024 10:35 PSU students are winners of the semi-finals of the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC)
Penza State University students became diploma winners of the Russian regional final — the Northern Eurasia Finals — of the team student world contest in programming. The second-degree diploma was won by PSU students, ahead of many teams from Russia and neighboring countries (48th place out of 267 teams).
Penza State University students became diploma winners of the Russian regional final — the Northern Eurasia Finals — of the team student world contest in programming. The second-degree diploma was won by PSU students, ahead of many teams from Russia and neighboring countries (48th place out of 267 teams).

20.12.2024 09:23 PSU enters the Global Aggregated Ranking of Universities
The latest results of the Global Aggregated Ranking of Universities have been published. Penza State University has been included in it for the past several years. In 2024, it took 127th place among Russian universities.
The latest results of the Global Aggregated Ranking of Universities have been published. Penza State University has been included in it for the past several years. In 2024, it took 127th place among Russian universities.

19.12.2024 12:53 PSU staff included in the top 2% of world scientists according to Stanford University
Penza State University researchers Yuri Smirnov and Dmitry Valovik have been included in the annual ranking of the world's best scientists according to Stanford University. The ranking is compiled by John Ioannidis's group. The annual ranking takes into account citations for 2023, and it also publishes a version with the researchers' results over their entire careers.
Penza State University researchers Yuri Smirnov and Dmitry Valovik have been included in the annual ranking of the world's best scientists according to Stanford University. The ranking is compiled by John Ioannidis's group. The annual ranking takes into account citations for 2023, and it also publishes a version with the researchers' results over their entire careers.

06.12.2024 11:15 PSU student Hu Shengjie is a laureate of the IV Russian-Chinese Student Arts Festival
Penza State University student Hu Shengjie was among the laureates of the IV Russian-Chinese Student Arts Festival and was invited to the final gala concert, where he performed the piece «Вдоль по улице метелица метет». The event took place on December 3 at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
Penza State University student Hu Shengjie was among the laureates of the IV Russian-Chinese Student Arts Festival and was invited to the final gala concert, where he performed the piece «Вдоль по улице метелица метет». The event took place on December 3 at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

29.10.2024 13:25 PSU international students become laureates of the International Festival "Fashion Yard"
On Sunday, October 27, the XII open International festival-contest "Fashion Yard" was held within the walls of the Center for Cultural Development "House of Officers". This year, the honor of Penza State University was defended at the festival by international students of the Institute of International Cooperation.
On Sunday, October 27, the XII open International festival-contest "Fashion Yard" was held within the walls of the Center for Cultural Development "House of Officers". This year, the honor of Penza State University was defended at the festival by international students of the Institute of International Cooperation.

23.10.2024 10:08 Penza State University Enters BRICS Universities Ranking
On October 17, the Association of Rating Compilers (includes RAEX, Russian Public Opinion Research Center) presented the results of the first pilot version of the BRICS universities ranking. The shortlist included 825 universities. Penza State University was in the 301–350 interval group.
On October 17, the Association of Rating Compilers (includes RAEX, Russian Public Opinion Research Center) presented the results of the first pilot version of the BRICS universities ranking. The shortlist included 825 universities. Penza State University was in the 301–350 interval group.

01.10.2024 13:44 The International Team completed the 2024 season in the International KVN League
From September 23 to September 30, 2024, the KVN team of the Institute of International Cooperation "International Team" took part in the semi-final of the KVN Television International League, which was held in Minsk (Republic of Belarus).
From September 23 to September 30, 2024, the KVN team of the Institute of International Cooperation "International Team" took part in the semi-final of the KVN Television International League, which was held in Minsk (Republic of Belarus).

02.07.2024 17:27 PSU students took several prizes in the III International Student Online Conference in English
Students of Penza State University took several prizes in the III International student online conference in English “21ST CENTURY MEDICINE: TRADITIONS, INNOVATIONS, NEW PRIORITIES”.
Students of Penza State University took several prizes in the III International student online conference in English “21ST CENTURY MEDICINE: TRADITIONS, INNOVATIONS, NEW PRIORITIES”.

07.06.2024 11:44 Mamatkulov Zhavohir is the winner of the PSU “Students of the Year” Award
In 2024, six students of Penza State University from five countries of the world competed for the title of the winner: Shetty Twinkle Gunakar (India), Mamatkulov Zhavokhir Oybekovich (Kyrgyzstan), Obidov Bakhrullo Bahodurkhojaevich (Tajikistan), Solanki Nityarajsinh Rajendrasinh (India), Sadek Farah (Lebanon), Eldasougi Ahmed Eldasougi Ahmed (Sudan).
In 2024, six students of Penza State University from five countries of the world competed for the title of the winner: Shetty Twinkle Gunakar (India), Mamatkulov Zhavokhir Oybekovich (Kyrgyzstan), Obidov Bakhrullo Bahodurkhojaevich (Tajikistan), Solanki Nityarajsinh Rajendrasinh (India), Sadek Farah (Lebanon), Eldasougi Ahmed Eldasougi Ahmed (Sudan).

08.04.2024 14:28 PSU international students become winners and prize-winners of the International Vocal Competition
On April 6 and 7, the Center for Choreographic Art in Penza held the International Vocal Competition “Crystal April - 2024”. According to established tradition, this year international students of Penza State University from India, Sudan, Indonesia and Armenia competed for victory in the nominations.
On April 6 and 7, the Center for Choreographic Art in Penza held the International Vocal Competition “Crystal April - 2024”. According to established tradition, this year international students of Penza State University from India, Sudan, Indonesia and Armenia competed for victory in the nominations.

18.03.2024 12:01 Tuitu Hemza wins International Olympiad in Russian “Russian Language. Culture. Communication”
Tuitu Hemza, a student of “Russian as a Foreign Language” in 45.03.02 Linguistics “Theory and Practice of Cross-Cultural Communication” (academic group 20ИЛК1), became a winner of International Olympiad in Russian “Russian Language. Culture. Communication”.
Tuitu Hemza, a student of “Russian as a Foreign Language” in 45.03.02 Linguistics “Theory and Practice of Cross-Cultural Communication” (academic group 20ИЛК1), became a winner of International Olympiad in Russian “Russian Language. Culture. Communication”.

13.03.2024 12:18 PSU international students take part in the World Youth Festival
Penza State University was represented by international students from 5 countries: Hong Ye (China), Nityaraj Solanki (India), Sahakanush Muradyan (Armenia), Walid Alshraedeh (Jordan), Aliazgar Zikrov (Tajikistan).
Penza State University was represented by international students from 5 countries: Hong Ye (China), Nityaraj Solanki (India), Sahakanush Muradyan (Armenia), Walid Alshraedeh (Jordan), Aliazgar Zikrov (Tajikistan).

24.01.2024 12:29 KVN International Team of PSU returns from “KiViN-2024” Festival
The right to represent Penza State University and the entire region was given to the KVN team of the Institute of International Cooperation – International Team - after they became champions of the Official League of KVN “Sura”. The team includes representatives from seven countries, namely: Jordan, Egypt, Kyrgyzstan, India, Armenia, Tajikistan and Zambia.
The right to represent Penza State University and the entire region was given to the KVN team of the Institute of International Cooperation – International Team - after they became champions of the Official League of KVN “Sura”. The team includes representatives from seven countries, namely: Jordan, Egypt, Kyrgyzstan, India, Armenia, Tajikistan and Zambia.

25.12.2023 09:11 PSU student Abdumazhidova Parizoda is among the best international students in Russia
This year, more than 600 university students from 60 regions of Russia, winners of the regional and distant stages of the project, became participants in the Award. Students presented their achievements in 13 categories. A student of Penza State University from Uzbekistan, Parizoda Abdumazhidova, competed for the title of “International Student of the Year”
This year, more than 600 university students from 60 regions of Russia, winners of the regional and distant stages of the project, became participants in the Award. Students presented their achievements in 13 categories. A student of Penza State University from Uzbekistan, Parizoda Abdumazhidova, competed for the title of “International Student of the Year”

19.12.2023 16:36 KVN International Team became a two-time Champion of the Official League of KVN “Sura”
The participants admit that the preparation was not easy, but not only did the students put a lot of effort into the game, but also their whole soul: “We rehearsed a lot, wrote jokes, edited them. This is KVN - I had to sacrifice sleep, personal time, rest, but it was worth it!”
The participants admit that the preparation was not easy, but not only did the students put a lot of effort into the game, but also their whole soul: “We rehearsed a lot, wrote jokes, edited them. This is KVN - I had to sacrifice sleep, personal time, rest, but it was worth it!”

02.11.2023 19:45 PSU students became winners of the III Regional UN Model - 2023 (with international participation)
UN Model is a simulation of activities of the existing international body of the United Nations. The participants had to try themselves as delegates
UN Model is a simulation of activities of the existing international body of the United Nations. The participants had to try themselves as delegates