Goethe Institut language exams are going to be held on 26th-27th of October at Penza State University.
The exams are conducted for various age groups - schoolchildren, students, adults, of different levels of language proficiency - from A1 up to C2. The price varies according to the exam type, schoolchildren have a discount price.
You can send an application form to the International Students Exchange Centre ‘MIR’ - kuptsov@pnz.ru or vk@sura.ru, last date of application: 30th of September.
The exams are held by certified centre of Samara State University and specialists from Penza State University, the Department of German and Teaching German.
Goethe Institut exams have valid reputation and the certificates are accepted as a qualification by employers and educational institutions worldwide.
For more information on Goethe Institut exam, online test materials - http://www.goethe.de/ins/ru/mos/lrn/prf/ruindex.htm
Exam preparation courses, consultations – head of the Department of German and Teaching German at PSU, Tatyana Razuvaeva - nem@pnzgu.ru
Exam dates, time and location – Director of the International Students Exchange Centre ‘MIR’, Aleksandr Kuptzof - mirpenza@gmail.ru, tel.: (8412) 49 14 13