Presentation of the book «La famine en URSS. 1929-1934» (“Famine in the USSR. 1929-1934”) by V.V. Kondrashin took place in Paris

06.12.2013 07:53

24-30 November, 2013, a presentation of a new book «La famine en URSS. 1929 – 1934» by Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, acting Head of the Department of Russian History, Regional Study and Methods of Teaching History, Faculty of History, Languages and History, Pedagogical Institute named after V.G. Belinsky, PSU, Member of Legislative Assembly of the Penza Region, V.V. Kondrashin, took place in Paris («La famine en URSS. 1929 – 1934» (Paris: AEHREE, 2013. – 385 pp.).

As part of the presentation the French Association of Russian History and Eastern Europe (Association pour L'étude de L'histoire de la Russie Et de L'Europe de L'Est) organized a roundtable conference at which the book by V.V.Kondrashin was discussed by the leading historians of France, Canada and other countries.

Elena Avershina, a post-graduate student of V.V. Kondrashin, also took part in the discussion. E.Avershina is having her internship in University of Orleans (Universite d"Orleans), and she is working on her thesis “Russian-French scientific ties in learning history and culture of Russia in the 1990s – early 2000s”.

V.V. Kondrashin appeared in a live program at the Russian office of the Paris radio station RFI (Radio France Interationale) in front of a huge Russian-speaking audience of France, Europe, the USA, Canada and other countries with a report on “Holodomor in the Ukraine 1932-1933” (available at: http:/

He also gave an interview on his scientific work to the director of the Russian bookshop in Paris Fransua Dever; the interview will be published in the next edition of the popular Paris magazine “Books”.

Moreover, V.V. Kondrashin was invited by the chief editor of Canadian journal «Holodomor Studies» R.Serbin to take part in the international scientific conference «La Grande Famine en Ukraine – Holodomor: Connaissance et Reconnaissance» (“Holodomor in the Ukraine: Knowledge and Recognition”), which took place on 29-30 November, 2013, in Paris, at National Institute of Orient Languages and Civilizations. He gave the participants of the conference and Paris libraries (Ukrainian Library named after S.Petlura and others) his new book on the tragedy of the USSR peoples, the memory of which should unite them.


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