PSU international students take part in V Congress of International Students Association of Russia

30.10.2015 10:28

21-24 October, 2015 Volgograd State Technical University hosted V Congress of International Students Association (ISA) of Russia.

The event was attended by the representatives of 51 states – about 300 international students studying in 29 Russian regions.

Penza State University was represented by the following international students: Pande Mayank (India), Yang Ming (China), Njimok Suleiman (Cameroon).

Within the Congress framework the meeting of the ISA board of guardians took place. Penza State University is the member of this board. Sergei Vasin, Vice-Rector for international affairs of PSU, took part in the meeting.

The Congress programme was full of discussions in different areas connected with international students training and with accommodation in Russian universities residence halls. The representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, of the Russian Federation Migration Service, ambassadors extraordinary and plenipotentiary of Benin, Guinea-Bissau, Mexico, Chad, etc. took part in the discussions.

 “For the PSU representatives this Congress was important because it reflected many actual questions, for example, about budget training quotas for international students. We were able to discuss the priority of international students admission to Russian universities with the representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. We also made new contacts with diplomatic bodies of the countries and determined further trends of cooperation”, said S. Vasin, Vice-Rector for International Affairs, PSU.

In the course of All-Russian congress of international students of Russian universities there was organized a contest in the Russian language. The participants were able to check their knowledge and skills of Russian in two aspects – written and oral forms.

The results of the Congress helped outline further work perspectives of the International Students Association.

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