Meeting of PSU representatives with Pankaj Saran, Ambassador of India in the Russian Federation
On the 25th of April, 2016, the meeting of Penza State University representatives with Pankaj Saran, Ambassador of India in the Russian Federation, took place in Moscow. Irina Rodina, Assistant of Vice-Rector for International Affairs, and Yuvraj Solanki, PSU partner, director of “Rus Edu Corporation”, discussed current issues of Indian students training with Anjali Pandey, Ambassador, Minister of Education and Social Welfare in India, and Suman Kaul, attaché of India. The Embassy representatives demonstrated big interest in educational process of Indian students at PSU and accepted the invitation to visit our university on the 18th of May under the forum “Dialogue of Cultures”. It is planned that the Embassy representatives will learn about the conditions of studying and living of Indian medical students. They will also participate in events within the framework of “Dialogue of Cultures”.
We hope that this meeting will give start to fruitful cooperation.