PSU held the Week of foreign languages

04.05.2017 09:54

From 17th to 25th of April the Week of foreign languages took place which was organized by the Department of “Foreign Languages and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages”. The programme of the Week included different events: contests for school pupils, teachers of foreign languages, bachelor and master students; interactive lectures; educational events. Within the framework of the Week of foreign languages Olympics in the USA country studies was held.

“The year of 2017 was declared the Year of Science and Education of Great Britain and Russia. Therefore, the British Council and the Embassy of Great Britain in the Russian Federation involving the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation developed a programme of events directed at stimulating research cooperation between the two countries. Out department couldn’t miss this event, and we developed our own plan of work”, said E. Aleshina, Head of Department “Foreign Languages and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages”.

The Week started with “Grammar fairy tales” dedicated to the grammar and phonetics of the English language. The students presented theatrical performances about English parts of speech, sang songs, recited poems. The lecture “Modern British literature” caused the students’ interest to read foreign literature in the original. The interactive lecture “Implementing Federal State Educational Standard in the process of teaching foreign languages” emphasized the relevance of the presented information accompanied by numerous examples for future teachers of foreign languages.

On April, 21st, the interactive lecture “Russia and Britain through the centuries” was delivered by E. Aleshina, Head of the Department, Candidate of Historical Sciences. The lecture, dedicated to the history of developing cultural links between Russia and Britain, gave the idea about people who played a significant role in establishing and developing cultural links between Russia and Britain and was of great interest for the students and teachers.

On the International Day of Frankophony second-year students met the students from Cote d'Ivoire who study at PSU. The students from Africa prepared presentations describing different aspects of life in their country: climate features, economic activity, cultural traditions, food preferences, etc. The students had an opportunity to use the French language as a means of communication, to expand their knowledge about French speaking community.

Also the teachers of the Department organized and held the traditional School Day. Pupils from Penza and Zarechny schools under the supervision of practice teachers performed plays, songs and poems. Along with that they could learn about life and studies of foreign languages students.

The Department held a number of contests for school pupils, foreign languages teachers, bachelor and master students, which have become traditional for the Week of foreign languages: the best translation “Modern German prose”, “Cartoons: Fresh Voicework”, the best outline of a German lesson “Methodical mosaic”, children drawings “Wir sind verschieden, aber wir sind zusammen”, tranlations “Modern English journalism, prose and poetry”.

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