PhD student of “Computer Engineering” Department made a report at the international conference in Italy
Andrei Kalachev, a post-graduate (PhD) student of “Computer Engineering” Department, Polytechnic Institute, Penza State University, took part in 23rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2018), sponsored by Industrial Electronics Society (IES), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), which took place from 4th to 7th September, 2018, in Torino (Italy).
Andrei made a report «PROSA/G: An architecture for agent-based manufacturing execution», which was dedicated to developing a new platform for flexible manufacturing control systems based on multi agent technologies and international standard IEC 61499.
The student’s participation in this conference was made possible thanks to Lulea University of Technology (LTU, Sweden).
The research work was conducted under supervision of Prof. V. Vyatkin (LTU) and V.N. Dubinin, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Andrei’s research supervisor at PSU.
“Andrei’s speech at an international conference means appreciation of his results obtained in the course of his internship at LTU supported by the scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation to study abroad in 2017-2018. Participation in the conference is the next step for Andrei in acquiring innovative technologies in the area of designing industrial cyber physical systems, one of the main attributes of new generation manufacturing concept “Industry 4.0”, - said the post-graduate student’s research supervisor.