ARES-2019 ranking: PSU meets European standards for teaching and research
The European Chamber of Commerce and Industry presented the results of the international ranking of higher education institutions ARES-2019 (Academic Ranking of World Universities-European Standard), whose activities comply with European standards for teaching and research.
The evaluation criteria are European standards of higher education, which were widely discussed at forums and conferences and were approved by the BFUG Bologna Process Coordination Group. Much attention in the ranking is paid to scientific and educational infrastructure for improving education quality, the level of research and international activities of universities.
According to the experts, PSU has taken the 160th position among 198 Russian universities represented in the ranking. The university has entered the category of CC +, where there are universities with sufficient quality of teaching, research, and demand for graduates by employers.
ARES-2019 ranking among Russian universities is headed by Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, St. Petersburg State University, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”.