PSU international graduates fight COVID-2019
International students who graduated from PSU in 2019 fight a new coronavirus in India.
“Doctors serve their nation without any fear, they left their families for a while to help patients with COVID-2019, providing them with free services in different public hospitals in Gujarat”, says the official page of the Indian Students Association of the Penza Region in Instagram.
Among them are 13 PSU graduates from India:
Dharmesh Ratwa (works at: B.J Medical College Ahmedabad, medical department);
Agara Maulik (works at: B.J Medical College Ahmedabad, medical department);
Radj Krishna Djaisval (works at: Smimer Hospital & Medical College at Surat, surgery department);
Daineshwar Thakare (works at: Nashik Civil Hospital, ENT department);
Uhit Patel (works at: Ahmedabad Civil Hospital, medical department);
Mit Joshi (works at: Surat General Hospital, medical department);
Wishwa Suratia (works at: Surat General Hospital, medical department);
Nitin Panchal (works at: Surat General Hospital, medical department);
Desai Bhuma (works at: SSG Hospital at Vadodara, medical department);
Prinsi Radjvadi (works at: Smimer Hospital & Medical College at Surat, PSM department);
Anand Afrikawala (works at: Smimer Hospital & Medical College at Surat, PSM department);
Reshma Donda (works at: Smimer Hospital & Medical College at Surat, PSM department);
Shah Ashutosh (works at: Ahmedabad Civil Hospital, medical department).