Second group of PSU lecturers joins the professional development course under the ENTEP project
19 trainees – teaching and administrative staff of Penza State University – undergo training in the professional development course “Enhancing teaching practices in terms of implementing the Bologna Process” at the Centre for Teaching and Learning Erasmus+. We recall that this course is implemented within the international project “Enhancing Teaching Practice in Higher Education in RUSSIA and CHINA (ENTEP) under Erasmus+ Capacity Building.
The centre trainers Olga Androsova, Tatiana Glotova, Svetlana Vlazneva, Irina Kolchugina, and Tatiana Razuvaeva introduce trainees to the basic values and tools of the Bologna Process, principles of student-centred teaching and learning (SCTL), innovative approaches and techniques for learning outcomes assessment, as well as modern teaching methods and approaches.
This group of trainees takes the course in the distance mode in order to comply with the regime of self-isolation. On 26 May 2020, the first class was held on the Zoom platform and delivered by Tatiana Razuvaeva. During the class, she presented the main stages, principles and tools for implementing the Bologna Process in the European and Russian educational environment and covered the essence of student-centred teaching and learning. In addition, Tatiana Razuvaeva shared the recommendations of European experts on producing educational programmes and working programmes for academic disciplines, and provided some practical examples using the best practices of German and English universities.
The course trainees jointly discussed the difficulties they face in their teaching while designing and implementing the working programmes for academic disciplines. They also reviewed the possibility of adopting the best European practices within their work.
The group will be trained for two weeks. However, the professional development course will run during 2020 – 2021. Under this project it is planned to advance qualifications of 100 – 120 individuals, who are employed at PSU.