The results of the international contest of environmental projects Green Campus-Green City have been summed up
As part of the VIII Penza-Flensburg Online Congress, the final of the Green Campus - Green City contest of projects for environmental students and schoolchildren was held jointly with the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences (Germany).
PSU students and gymnasium No. 44 pupils, whose projects were selected for the final round, presented their ideas to the joint jury, and also answered questions from European experts. The jury members marked the students’ high level of training and practical significance of the projects presented. It took them additional time to discuss and agree on the results of the contest.
The jury members consisting of Prof. Antje Labes (Germany), Prof. Claudia Werner (Germany), Martina Carstensen (Germany), Prof. Rajesh Saiju (Germany), Sergey Golobokov (Russia), Andrey Kuzmin (Russia) came to the following results:
The winning projects:
• Aqua module for cultivating Spirulina (authors: M. Sotnikov, D. Kozhevnikov, D. Soldatova; scientific supervisor: S. Medvedeva)
• Gym power supply system with energy-saving exercise equipment (author: K. Stepanova; scientific supervisor: T. Brostilova)
• SMART GREENHOUSE (author: A. Sashina, scientific supervisor: A. Alimuradov)
The jury members suggest that research continue on the following projects:
• Developing an intelligent automated installation for controlled synthesis of transparent conducting oxides in the area of energy efficiency and conservation (author: T. Zinchenko; scientific supervisor: E. Pecherskaya)
• Plant growth control system based on computer vision with artificial intelligence algorithms (authors: S. Markelov, A. Yudina; scientific supervisor V. Ashanin)
• Development of a rainwater harvesting system (author: D. Dudnikov; scientific supervisor: A. Alimuradov)
The special prize of the jury came to the project: Green shield of air purifying plants (authors: G. Novikova, A. Kruchinkina; scientific supervisor: I. Sorokina)
Currently, the possibility of funding the winning projects at the expense of the Federal Foreign Office grant is being discussed. In addition, an agreement was reached with representatives of the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences to submit an application to the Federal Foreign Office to continue the contest in 2022.