ProEU and EUSOSEL projects contribute to studying legal basis of referendum and evolution of social security law

11.04.2022 12:04

While implementing the module “Protection of Human Rights within and across the European Union”, Gleb Sintsov, Doctor in Legal Sciences, Vice-Rector for International Affairs, Professor of the Department of Private and Public Law, introduced students to the historical and contemporary dimensions of referendum in the Russian Federation and the European Union. The classes were held in the face-to-face mode.

During the lecture, students reviewed the existing legal frameworks, general norms and principles applied to referendum in Russian and European law and identified the main aspects of referendum that are typical for the EU member states. Gleb Sintsov presented a classification of referendum types depending on the essence, initiator and content, as well as reflected their consequences at the local, regional and national levels. In addition, students analysed the requirements specific to the voting of persons with special needs, including people with disabilities.

Recognizing the right to a referendum as part of the right to vote regardless of race, national origin, class, religion, gender, health or other status, students considered data on the process of calling and holding referendum in various states and presented the results in the form of reports. At the seminar, students together with Gleb Sintsov clarified the legal status of referendum initiators, voters, observers and media representatives, assessed the principles for drafting and validating texts submitted to referendum and summarised the features of voting and announcing the referendum results.

The next series of classes will be devoted to the national character of referendum held in various states, including the Russian Federation and the European Union.

One of the sections in the academic module “Social Security Law in the European Union” was devoted to enhancing students’ awareness of the key events and main stages in the development of EU social security law. During the lecture, the students were invited to explore the legal frameworks of European law that enshrine the principles of social policy. Acquired knowledge enabled students to assess the current state and voice their ideas on the development perspectives of EU social security law.

The module also included familiarising students with the initiative of the European Commission to create the European Pillar of Social Rights (European Social Pillar). While conducting the lectures and seminars, Anna Aleksandrova, PhD in Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines, and Anastasiia Ryzhova, PhD in Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines, introduced the students to the concept and content of the Social Constitution of the EU and the European Pillar of Social Rights, as well as engaged the students in summarising the EU documents, which contain the foundations of the Social Constitution of the EU.

The students are to study the sources of EU social security law, compare and analyse the social security instruments in the European Union and the Russian Federation.

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