PSU students from China celebrate Music Day
On Wednesday, September 27, the opening of the third creative season of the “Music Workshop AD LIBITUM” took place in the Small Concert Hall of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Sciences of Penza State University. The event is dedicated to International Music Day. The celebration was established on the initiative of the International Music Council of UNESCO in 1973 and is celebrated annually around the world on October 1.
The concert was attended by: students from China studying at PSU, teachers and staff of the Department of Music and Methods of Teaching Music, Dean of the Faculty Aleksandr Tugarov and Vice Dean of the Faculty for Youth Policy and Educational Activities Oksana Nesterenko.
“Music Workshop AD LIBITUM” is a project of musical cooperation and an innovative form of interaction between teachers of the department and students from China taking bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes at the faculty “Pedagogical Education. Music".
Oksana Nesterenko addressed the participants of the “Music Workshop” with words of wisdom and wishes for a successful creative season. Dean of the Faculty Aleksandr Tugarov spoke about the history of the creation of the AD LIBITUM Music Workshop project:
“The project was “launched” in February 2022 under the leadership of Elena Koroleva, assistant of the department of “Music and Methods of Teaching Music”. Today, its participants are 57 students from China: 32 bachelor’s and 25 master’s degree students.”
He also said that the goal of the project is consonant with the goal of the International Music Day: he dissemination of musical art in all layers of society, the exchange of experiences and respect for each other’s aesthetic values.
“What does the name “music workshop” mean? “Ad libitum” is a term translated from Latin which means “at will”, “at one’s own discretion”. It is used in music to define various forms of improvisation or variation. This is an indication for the musician that allows the performer to freely vary tempo or phrasing, as well as skip or play part of another fragment of the musical text. I hope that in the coming creative season, meetings in the “music workshop” will be exactly like this - Ad libitum!” Aleksandr Tugarov shared his thoughts.
The music meeting featured classical instrumental and vocal music by foreign and Russian composers, Chinese folk and modern music, and jazz improvisations performed by students.