Call for applications from researchers for an international forum dedicated to the issues of internationalization of Russian higher education

11.07.2024 09:37

The International Forum “Internationalization of Russian Higher Education: Pedagogical Innovations, Issues, Prospects” will be held at Penza State University from October 17 to 18. Within the framework of the forum, a meeting of the Federal Academic Methodological Association of Higher Education on courses in 44.00.00 “Education and Pedagogical Sciences” will be held. Registration of participants has started.

The forum is held with the aim of exchanging best practices on the internationalization of education in Russian universities. Participants will be able to discuss problems and find ways to solve them.

The forum will include a seminar, a round table, discussion platforms, and a workshop.

At the scientific and methodological seminar “Pedagogical Innovations as a Key Factor in Improving the Quality of Higher Education,” Russian and foreign universities will discuss innovative tools, methods, and approaches that have been successfully tested in the training of highly qualified personnel.

At the discussion platform “Psychological and Pedagogical Support for Foreign Citizens in Russian Universities,” scientists will exchange experience in building a comprehensive system of psychological and pedagogical support and social adaptation of foreign citizens with the aim of their integration into the Russian linguistic and cultural space.

The round table "International Campus - what is it?" will be of interest to those researchers who want to get acquainted with real cases and practices in building an international campus. Its participants will discuss pedagogical systems to support the process of internationalization within the campus and beyond.

At the workshop, Russian and foreign scientists will share practical experience in preparing, launching and implementing joint educational programs. In addition, they will discuss problems and develop possible mechanisms for solving them. And it will be possible to share experience in developing, launching and implementing English-language educational programs on the discussion platform “Implementation of educational programs using an intermediary language: problems, prospects.”

Within the framework of the forum, a meeting of the Federal Academic Methodological Association of Higher Education on courses 44.00.00 “Education and Pedagogical Sciences” will be held.

Proceedings of the forum are planned to be published on its results.

Contact person for registration and participation in the forum: V. V. Konstantinov, tel. +7 (905) 015 28-63.

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