PSU Associate Professors attend training workshop in Portugal
On 22 – 26 October 2018, Svetlana Vlazneva, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory and International Relations, and Olga Androsova, Associate Professor of the Department of Translation and Translation Studies, took part in the workshop organized by the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (Portugal). This event was arranged within the Erasmus+ project ENTEP: Enhancing Teaching Practice in Higher Education in Russia and China.
PSU teachers acquainted with hands-on experience of the CINEP centre in Coimbra. The programme of the workshop also dealt with the issues of teaching in higher education, modern methods of organizing educational process, such as problem-oriented learning, Posterweek. The organizers concentrated on the system for implementing interdisciplinary connections as a means of improving the efficiency of the learning process.
Additionally, PSU academics participated in the International Symposium SATHE 2018 held during the workshop. Olga Androsova delivered a report on “Student practice as an example of interaction between academic and social communities”.
The business trip resulted in broadened knowledge of modern teaching methods and expanded professional contacts.