Fourth group of PSU teachers completed professional development course within the ENTEP project
The fourth group of teaching and administrative staff of Penza State University underwent the professional development course “Enhancing teaching practices at PSU” at the Centre for Teaching and Learning Erasmus+. As the university transferred from traditional to distance learning and teaching, the course was offered online.
Together with the trainers of the centre, the course-takers discussed the most important aspects, principles and instruments of the Bologna Process and explored the best European teaching practices in higher education. They also analysed the advantages and disadvantages of various methods and approaches in terms of their use for designing and delivering classes within their study fields.
The major practical task within the course was modifying the working programmes of the taught disciplines in line with the recommendations of the European experts.
Following the course, its takers responded to a questionnaire, which was designed to measure satisfaction with the course they had attended. Their answers showed that all course-takers noted the relevance of the topics and highlighted the practical focus of materials and tasks reviewed during independent work.
The course materials are freely available in the digital learning environment of Penza State University at the link. Everyone can use them in their teaching activity.