Associate Professor of the Faculty of Computer Engineering takes part in the workshop in Finland
On 20-22 of August V.Dubinin, an associate professor of “Computer Engineering” Department, took part in the 13th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA-15) in Helsinki. ISPA-15 is a forum for presenting the leading research in parallel and distributed calculations and networks, including architecture, compilers, runtime systems, applications, safety, models of parallel programming, etc.
Three days of the workshop were devoted to the active work – plenary reports, section and seminar reports, informal communication of the participants and organizers. At the 1st IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Intelligent Automation Systems (DIAS 2015) V.Dubinin made a report on synthesizing safety controllers for distributed automated systems based on reverse NCES-networks. Scientists from Finland, Sweden, Germany, the USA, and Russia took part in the work of this workshop.
Dubinin’s participation in IEEE ISPA-15 was possible due to the support of Luleå University of Technology, Sweden (PSU partner since 2013), where Dubinin had a two-months research training from 1 July till 31 August, and University of Aalto (Helsinki, Finland).
Dubinin’s visiting Sweden and Finland resulted in expanding research contacts and achievements that will lead to increasing number of publications in international research journals (Scopus and Web of Science).