“Dialogue of cultures” will give us the opportunity to get closer”, - S.Vasin, Vice Rector of PSU

16.05.2016 15:19

 On 18-19th of May Penza State University will host V International Student Forum “Dialogue of Cultures”. The idea of the forum appeared in 2012. 21st of May is announced Day of Cultural Variety for sake of dialogue and development by the UNO. About 300 students of 10 ethnic groups participated in the work of the first festival. The forum structure included 10 platforms (houses of national dances, songs, music, games, national costumes, cuisine, art, sights, literature, art training for international students).

Every year the participants of multinational holiday are not only students of Penza State University, but also of other universities of our city.

 “The topic of the fifths forum is “All flags come to visit us” and it will unite about 1,000 representatives from 50 countries, which citizens live in the Penza Region. The forum lasts two days. On the 18th of May there is a wide educational, cultural and sports programmes. The ceremonial opening will take place at 1:00 pm on stage of the Large Hall of “Penzakoncert”. Vocal, dancing and instrumental teams from PSU, the Penza Region, and also guests from other regions will take place in it. In the lobby of the philharmonic hall there will be exhibitions of works of applied art made by the Penza region craftsmen”, - said N.Tupareva, Director of the Culture Centre, PSU.

The educational programme will include the work of discussion platforms “Quality education in Russia is the basis for successful future in our native country”, “Global economic challenges and problems”, “Multinational Russia: history and modern times”, “Russian is the basis for successful intercultural communication”, “National and cultural identity in the modern world”.

At 5:30 pm the sports programme begins. It includes a parade of participants, an ethnic marathon and a football match between the Russian Federation team and the International team.

 “On the 19th of May the participants of the forum will be able to visit thematic platforms: the house of national danced, the house of national songs, the house of national cuisine and the house of national literature. For the first time the work of ethnic houses is planned: Russian, Mordovian, Tatar, Chuvash, German, Arab, Tajik, African, Turkmen, Kirghiz, and Indian. In every house the visitors will learn about national traditions, costumes, sights, and art. The work of houses will last from 10 am to 1 pm. The forum finished at 1:30 pm with a symbolic circle dance of friendship. We hope that not only international students but also Russian students take part in it, learn the culture of other countries and find new friends”, said S.Vasin, Vice Rector for International Affairs of Penza State University. 


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