PSU hosted V International scientific conference of international students “Cross-cultural communication in the modern world”
On 15, December, the Institute of International Cooperation, Penza State University, held V International scientific conference of international students “Cross-cultural communication in the modern world”.
S. Vasin, Vice-Rector for International Affairs, D. Saldaev, Head of International Education Office, S. Ivanchin, Head of the Department of Students Affairs, O. Novruzov, Chairman of the Association of International Students of the Penza Region took part in the plenary meeting of the conference.
“The international students presented very interesting reports, this year the conference has its fifth anniversary, and each year it attracts more and more participants, and the issues which they raise become more and more interesting”, said S.Vasin.
For example, He Xinxing from China spoke about social and cultural aspects of adaptation of Chinese students in Russian Universities, Joshi Meet from India made a report on the Indian national character, Ogundiran Oluvatobi from Nigeria speculated on the problem of stereotypes about the African culture in the consciousness of Russian people and tried to find the ways of solving it, Mere Georgi from Estonia talked about the problems of integrating the Russian people in Estonia, Shakhir Khudayarov from Turkmenistan made a speech on the cooperation in adapting international students between Penza State University and Ogarev Mordovia State University.
More than 150 international students took part in the conference. There were five sections in relevant issues: international communication, the faith of the Russian language in the world, social adaptation of international students, world economy and international relations, national and international medicine.
The reports presented are the results of research done by international students, master and post-graduate students of Penza State University, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, Ogarev Mordovia State University (the Russian Federation), Kokshetau State University (the Republic of Kazakhstan), Lanzhou University (China), Flensburg University (Germany), Vienna University of Economics (Austria).