PSU hosted VII international conference “Cross-cultural communication in the modern world”
On 14th, December, 2018, the Institute of International Cooperation, PSU, hosted VII International research conference of international students “Cross-cultural communication in the modern world”. Sergei Vasin, Vice-Rector for International Affairs, opened the conference. In his opening speech for students, teachers and staff, he emphasized the importance of communication in the world and a wide geography of participants.
“Representatives from 18 countries are taking part in the conference – such a wide geography of participants has allowed us to make the international dialogue infinite”, said S.M. Vasin.
“116 authors applied for participation in VII International research conference of international students “Cross-cultural communication in the modern world”. They include students, master students, post-graduate students and teachers from 12 universities, four of them being foreign ones”, said Sergei Ivanchin, Head of Department of Student Affairs.
Plenary reports were presented by representatives of different continents:
- Zsombor Ferenczi (Hungary), Penza State University, Karoli Gaspar University of the Reformed Church in Hungary. Theme: “Cultural identity: Stereotypes about Russians and Hungarians”;
- Attia Mohamed (Egypt), Saratov Chernyshevsky State University. Theme: “Essence of problems of training modern students and ways of solving them”;
- Panduro Mariluna (Peru), Chennamo Jerardo (Italy), N. P. Ogarev's Mordovia State University. Theme: “Forming the image of Russia in Italian and Peruvian culture by means of modern information sources”;
- Shakir Hudayarov (Turkmenistan), N. P. Ogarev's Mordovia State University. Theme: “The significance of international students’ participation in research at Russian universities”.
On the results of the conference participants’ research the collection of articles is published and it will be placed in Russian Science Citation Index database.