PSU representatives take part in the work of the international consortium for pedagogical education in Sweden
O.P. Surina, Director of the Institute of Teacher Education, and N.A. Pavlova, Head of Foreign Languages Department, took part in the work of the international consortium for pedagogical education; its meeting took place at Linköping University (Linköping, Sweden) from September, 29, to October, 3, 2019.
The work of the consortium was dedicated to preparing joint applications for obtaining European Union grants in research and innovations programmes “Horizon 2020” and “Erasmus+” together with European partners.
PSU representatives presented ideas on making new joint projects with the European partners. As one of the possible projects, it was proposed to study the influence of a multi-stage programme of ongoing professional education of teachers on improving the quality of their training, on developing appropriate competencies. Such multi-stage programmes of ongoing professional education will allow partner countries to create more effective models of ongoing pedagogical education, taking into account the experience of other countries, including the experience of Russia.
PSU proposals were approved by the consortium participants as this theme is of great interest for the international pedagogical society. The project was submitted for further consideration to partner-countries universities.