PSU hosted the International Conference of Foreign Students "Cross-Cultural Communication in the Modern World"
On December 18, 2019, the VIII International Research Conference of Foreign Students “Cross-Cultural Communication in the Modern World” was held at the Institute of International Cooperation, Penza State University. It was opened by Gleb Sintsov, Vice-Rector for International Affairs. He greeted the students, teachers, university staff and guests of the conference: “I wish you efficient and interesting work!”
The plenary reports were made by Lucy Plotzky (Europa Universität Flensburg, Deutschland), Elmahi Mohamed Mahmud Abdelsak (Penza State University), and Rakhimov Makmadrahim Holikzoda Alimardon (Penza State Agrarian University).
More than 100 authors took part in the VIII International Research Conference of Foreign Students "Cross-Cultural Communication in the Modern World". These are bachelor students, master students, post-graduate students and teachers. Foreign students participating in the conference represent 10 countries of the world: Egypt, Germany, Yemen, India, China, Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Chad. There were six sections within the framework of the conference.
On the results of the participants’ research, a collection of articles will be published.