Not only studies! Active curators’ work with PSU international students
PSU international students are not only engaged in studies but also take an active part in social activity of the University and life of the city. Curators’ activity plays an important role in the process of adaptation of international students.
Tatyana Gavrilova, an associate professor at the Department of “World History and Social Studies” shared her experience of her curator’s educational work. Her work with international students was carried out according to the educational work plan which had been developed by T.V. Gavrilova. The plan contained several areas:
• excursions
• legal and social education
• acquaintance with Russian historical traditions and holidays
On 30th October, 2019, and 7th February, 2020, students from India (18ЛЛ2(а) and 18 ЛЛ3(а)) went on excursions around the historical centre of Penza, visited the cathedral under construction and went up the bell tower. During these excursions T.V. Gavrilova taught the students the most important historical dates of the development of our city and the region, and also told them about the sights of Penza.
Excursions with the students from India 18ЛЛ2(а) and 18 ЛЛ3(а)) around the historical centre of Penza, visiting the cathedral under construction and going up the bell tower (30th October, 2019 and 7th February, 2020)
Besides, the Indian students visited the Savitsky Art Gallery and Penza Museum of Regional Studies. The students learnt about the history of the Penza region, and also the works of art of famous painters and sculptors. Let’s note that T. Gavrilova translated the guides’ speeches into English, so the students didn’t have any language barrier and could easily understand the content of the excursion programmes.
Visit to the Savitsky Art Gallery, 18ЛЛ4(а) group (26th February)
Excursions to Penza Museum of Regional Studies with the students from 18ЛЛ1(а) and 18ЛЛ8(а) (4th and 6th March, 2020)
T.V. Gavrilova also conducted a series of events dedicated to the Day of the Russian Constitution in order to promote legal education and social adaptation.
A series of events dedicated to the Day of Russian Constitution with the students of 19ЛЛ, 19ЛС and 18ЛЛ courses (December, 2019)
Moreover, during the academic year the international students got acquainted with Russian historical traditions and holidays. For example, the students of 18ЛЛ2(а) group visited III International Festival of National Arts and Crafts “Penza is the heart of handicraft” which was held at “Penza” Concert Hall. Within the framework of this festival the students participated in workshops on making Slavic protective amulets.
The students also visited the Museum of Folk Art where they got acquainted with the folk crafts of the Penza Region and with the history of folk art.
Visiting III International Festival of National Arts and Crafts “Penza is the heart of handicraft” at “Penza” Concert Hall by the students of 18ЛЛ2(а) (8th December, 2019)
Visiting the Folk Arts Museum with 18ЛЛ5(а) group (13th January, 2020)
One of the most important events conduction in order to promote educational work was a video conference held in Zoom platform dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The groups 19ЛЛ1(а), 19ЛЛ2(а) under curation had an opportunity to learn about the heroism of Russian people in the fight against fascism (8th May, 2020).
Video conference in Zoom dedicated to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, 19ЛЛ1(а), 19ЛЛ2(а), (8th May, 2020)
You can find out about each of the events in greater detail at the site of the Department of World History and Social Studies.
T. Gavrilova is ready to share her experience of curator’s educational work with international students with other teachers. She emphasizes the role of a teacher not only in the educational process but also in extracurricular activities of students. It is important for students not only to study but also to become part of the Russian culture, traditions, to develop spiritually taking into account the principles of mutual respect and understanding between different cultures.