European experts from ENTEP consortium visited Centre for Teaching and Learning at PSU
On 8-9 October, the experts from European Universities, participating in the implementation of the project “Enhancing teaching practice in higher education in Russia and China (ENTEP)”, paid a working visit to PSU. Susana Gonçalves, Professor of Polytechnic of Coimbra (Portugal), Milica Lazovic, a research staff member of University of Hildesheim (Germany), Elena Guseletova, deputy coordinator of ENTEP project, (Ural State University of Economics) got acquainted with the course of the project implementation at Penza State University.
ENTEP project provides the creation of a sustainable system for professional development of university teachers by establishing Centres for Teaching and Learning and by implementing professional development programmes designed on the basis of the EU best practices in methodological approaches and modern innovative learning techniques.
On 8th October the guests delivered training seminars on the issues of development of modern curricula based on the method of learning outcomes, correlation of learning outcomes and assessment tools, application of new methods of teaching and learning. The participants of the seminar were PSU teachers who take part in the work of the Centre for Teaching and Learning at PSU, as well as foreign languages teachers from general education institutions of the Penza Region, participants of the regional programme of professional development implemented by PSU.
On 9th October the work was carried on at the Centre for Teaching and Learning of PSU. The European experts highly evaluated professional development programmes designed by the Centre teachers, gave recommendations on how to organize the Centre activities to implement the programmes, replied to the questions, gave examples of the best practices of teaching and learning available at their universities.
Training PSU teaching staff in professional development programmes will start after their approval by ENTEP Council; its meeting is planned for the end of November, 2019.
ENTEP project implementation was made possible thanks to the activities by the International Projects Department in applying for Erasmus+ programme grants supported by the European Union, as well as to the information, counselling and methodological support of Erasmus+ National Office in Russia, which contributes to searching for Russian and international partners to submit joint applications.