University life (стр.3)

26.03.2024 08:52 Interethnic Spring Festival Nowruz held at PSU
“Nowruz is a traditional holiday not only for international students, but also for more than twenty indigenous peoples of Russia who speak Turkic, Caucasian and Iranian languages. And this suggests that the New Day holiday symbolizes friendship between people of different countries and nationalities, understanding of each other. This is very important in today’s world!”
“Nowruz is a traditional holiday not only for international students, but also for more than twenty indigenous peoples of Russia who speak Turkic, Caucasian and Iranian languages. And this suggests that the New Day holiday symbolizes friendship between people of different countries and nationalities, understanding of each other. This is very important in today’s world!”

09.01.2024 13:21 A festive New Year event was held for international students of the Pre-University Training Department of PSU
Students from Turkmenistan, Morocco, Mali, Zambia, China, Korea, Lebanon, Algeria, Indonesia and other countries prepared creative performances dedicated to the Russian winter and the New Year
Students from Turkmenistan, Morocco, Mali, Zambia, China, Korea, Lebanon, Algeria, Indonesia and other countries prepared creative performances dedicated to the Russian winter and the New Year

29.12.2023 09:42 International Education Office summed up the results of the contest “I live here!”
The International Education Office summed up the results of the traditional New Year’s contest “I live here!” among international students living in residence halls
The International Education Office summed up the results of the traditional New Year’s contest “I live here!” among international students living in residence halls

22.11.2023 07:58 A student from India wins the title “Miss World. Folk Queen - 2023"
On Friday, November 17, the IX beauty contest among PSU international students “Miss World. Folk Queen - 2023” was held at Penza State University
On Friday, November 17, the IX beauty contest among PSU international students “Miss World. Folk Queen - 2023” was held at Penza State University

20.11.2023 09:30 PSU Rector Aleksandr Guliakov: “International solidarity of students is the basis for strengthening friendly relations”
On International Students’ Day, Professor Aleksandr Guliakov, Rector of Penza State University, Doctor of Law, noted the importance of strengthening the dialogue of cultures at the present time
On International Students’ Day, Professor Aleksandr Guliakov, Rector of Penza State University, Doctor of Law, noted the importance of strengthening the dialogue of cultures at the present time

15.11.2023 13:19 Representatives from 8 countries of the world will compete for the title “Miss World. Folk Queen - 2023"
On Friday, November 17, Penza State University will host the final of the beauty contest among PSU international students “Miss World. Folk Queen - 2023". Ten of the most creative and bright international students will compete for the title
On Friday, November 17, Penza State University will host the final of the beauty contest among PSU international students “Miss World. Folk Queen - 2023". Ten of the most creative and bright international students will compete for the title

31.10.2023 10:44 PSU Indian students celebrate Navaratri festival
“This is a very sincere and kind holiday. It carries justice, the victory of good over evil and spiritual peace. That is why, despite different religions and views, the festival leaves India for the vastness of the planet”
“This is a very sincere and kind holiday. It carries justice, the victory of good over evil and spiritual peace. That is why, despite different religions and views, the festival leaves India for the vastness of the planet”

29.09.2023 17:17 PSU international first-year students were shown the historical center of the city
In September, as part of the adaptation measures, a series of excursions for international first-year students took place around the historical part of the city “Penza. At the walls of the old fortress". The guides were employees of the Edinstvo (“Unity”) children's center, which is located at the City Library No. 2 named after. M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin
In September, as part of the adaptation measures, a series of excursions for international first-year students took place around the historical part of the city “Penza. At the walls of the old fortress". The guides were employees of the Edinstvo (“Unity”) children's center, which is located at the City Library No. 2 named after. M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

25.09.2023 10:29 PSU representatives take part in the All-Russian Congress of the Association of International Students of Russia
Students of the Institute of International Cooperation from Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan took part in the XI All-Russian Congress of the Association of International Students of Russia. It was held from September 13 to 16 at the Kazan Federal University
Students of the Institute of International Cooperation from Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan took part in the XI All-Russian Congress of the Association of International Students of Russia. It was held from September 13 to 16 at the Kazan Federal University

05.09.2023 11:24 International students took part in the Knowledge Day
On Friday, September 1, the Temp Center for Sports and Youth Initiatives hosted a celebration dedicated to the Knowledge Day. It was attended by first-year students, including international ones
On Friday, September 1, the Temp Center for Sports and Youth Initiatives hosted a celebration dedicated to the Knowledge Day. It was attended by first-year students, including international ones

18.07.2023 11:04 Aleskandr Guliakov met with the parents of students from India
75 young people from India are graduating from Penza State University this year. The parents of some graduates came to Penza to participate in the graduation ceremony. Rector Aleskandr Guliakov talked to them at the round table. The meeting took place on Thursday, July 13
75 young people from India are graduating from Penza State University this year. The parents of some graduates came to Penza to participate in the graduation ceremony. Rector Aleskandr Guliakov talked to them at the round table. The meeting took place on Thursday, July 13

16.06.2023 17:53 His calling is teaching: how a student from China studies Russian and teaches Chinese

09.06.2023 14:48 Laureates of the Russian Student Spring: new victories in the treasury of the students of the Institute of International Cooperation
Two victories at once were brought by students of the Institute of International Cooperation from the festival "Russian Student Spring": this is the first time in the history of the Institute, the University and the region. The participants of the Festival presented at least 1500 competitive works in 54 nominations in 10 directions to be evaluated by the expert council
Two victories at once were brought by students of the Institute of International Cooperation from the festival "Russian Student Spring": this is the first time in the history of the Institute, the University and the region. The participants of the Festival presented at least 1500 competitive works in 54 nominations in 10 directions to be evaluated by the expert council

09.06.2023 14:46 Students of the Pre-University Training Department of the Institute of International Cooperation, PSU, visited the Tarkhany Museum-Reserve
On the Day of the Russian Language, June 6, international citizens from Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Guinea-Bissau, Jordan, Iran, Indonesia, Zambia and other countries - students of the Pre-University Training Department of the Institute of International Cooperation of Penza State University - went on an excursion to the museum-reserve "Tarkhany "
On the Day of the Russian Language, June 6, international citizens from Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Guinea-Bissau, Jordan, Iran, Indonesia, Zambia and other countries - students of the Pre-University Training Department of the Institute of International Cooperation of Penza State University - went on an excursion to the museum-reserve "Tarkhany "

05.06.2023 11:25 The best international students were awarded a trip to Nizhny Novgorod
Every year, international students of Penza State University who excel in science, studies, sports, creativity and social life are awarded an excursion to one of the cities of Russia. And this year was no exception - the students visited the city of Nizhny Novgorod
Every year, international students of Penza State University who excel in science, studies, sports, creativity and social life are awarded an excursion to one of the cities of Russia. And this year was no exception - the students visited the city of Nizhny Novgorod

05.06.2023 11:23 Parizoda Abdumazhidova is the winner of the PSU Student of the Year Award
On May 31, S.M. Kirov Center for Culture and Leisure hosted the ceremony of "Students of the Year" - 2023 Award. Traditionally, the most international was the nomination "The Best International Student". In 2023, 11 students of Penza State University from 6 countries of the world fought for the title of the winner
On May 31, S.M. Kirov Center for Culture and Leisure hosted the ceremony of "Students of the Year" - 2023 Award. Traditionally, the most international was the nomination "The Best International Student". In 2023, 11 students of Penza State University from 6 countries of the world fought for the title of the winner

30.05.2023 14:53 PSU held VIII cricket tournament among Indian students
From 16 to 27 May, Penza State University held a traditional cricket tournament among Indian students. This year the tournament was timed to the 80th anniversary of Penza State University. About 150 students - 8 male teams and 3 female teams - participated in the competition. The tournament consisted of 40 games
From 16 to 27 May, Penza State University held a traditional cricket tournament among Indian students. This year the tournament was timed to the 80th anniversary of Penza State University. About 150 students - 8 male teams and 3 female teams - participated in the competition. The tournament consisted of 40 games

30.05.2023 14:50 PSU awards the best international students on the results of the 2022/2023 academic year
This academic year, about 70 bright events of various kinds were held: sports, cultural, scientific, volunteer events. It turned out to be very intense - most of the events returned to the face-to-face format and international students actively showed themselves
This academic year, about 70 bright events of various kinds were held: sports, cultural, scientific, volunteer events. It turned out to be very intense - most of the events returned to the face-to-face format and international students actively showed themselves

24.05.2023 16:27 Association of International Students of the Penza Region celebrates its 10th anniversary
The special event dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Association of International Students of the Penza Region took place on 21 May 2023 as part of the 8th POLIS camp, officially known as the Volga Educational Camp
The special event dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Association of International Students of the Penza Region took place on 21 May 2023 as part of the 8th POLIS camp, officially known as the Volga Educational Camp

24.05.2023 14:29 8th POLIS camp brings together about 40 international students
Three days of learning, acquiring new knowledge and presenting projects loaded the 8th POLIS camp, officially known as the Volga Educational Camp for international students. The sports and recreation complex “Chistye Prudy” (literally “clean ponds”) in Penza hosted the event from 19 to 22 May 2023.
Three days of learning, acquiring new knowledge and presenting projects loaded the 8th POLIS camp, officially known as the Volga Educational Camp for international students. The sports and recreation complex “Chistye Prudy” (literally “clean ponds”) in Penza hosted the event from 19 to 22 May 2023.