Новости (стр.16). Архив

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03.12.2020 08:48 A student of the Institute of International Cooperation takes part in an International vocal competition

The l International vocal competition "Golden Voice of Variety Art- 2020" was held online on November 30, 2020
02.12.2020 12:43 Team of the Institute of International Cooperation is the finalist of the KVN teams’ festival "Rector's Cup"

Penza State University completed the semifinal game of the KVN teams’ festival "Rector's Cup", held in an online format
23.11.2020 15:01 PSU international students got behind the scenes of the Penza Drama Theater

Finalists of the International Reading Competition "Words are Like Wings", including international students of Penza State University from Indonesia, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan, visited the Penza Regional Drama Theater
20.11.2020 11:24 Students of the Institute of International Cooperation took part in the youth talent contest "Fresher"

The Institute of International Cooperation was represented by the first-year students Inri Reik (music genre), and Nino Valles Andri Natalya (dancing)
20.11.2020 09:48 Multiethnic concert

19.11.2020 12:38 PSU hosted the International Conference “Language. Law. Society”

The event was held with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project No. 20-012-20022, supervisor – Olga Barabash, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Research Institute for Fundamental and Applied Research, Associate Professor at the Department of Russian Language and Methods of Teaching Russian Language), mainly in a distance format. The conference was co-organized by the University of National and World Economy (Sofia, Republic of Bulgaria) and Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (Grodno, Republic of Belarus)
17.11.2020 12:19 Congratulations on the International Students' Day from PSU international students

This holiday was introduced for the first time at the World Congress of Students in Prague, in memory of Czech patriotic students. Its origin is associated with the tragic events in Czechoslovakia during the Second World War. Today this day is celebrated as the day of solidarity of students from all over the world
15.11.2020 18:32 PSU international students get excellent marks for the Total Dictation (TruD)

Li Shutian (China), Dzhuraeva Matluba (Tajikistan), Sattarkulyeva Zarina (Turkmenistan), Azadova Inobat (Turkmenistan), Kadyrova Sayara (Turkmenistan) became excellent students
15.11.2020 18:27 PSU international students attended a master class from a Russian actor

For the third year in a row, Penza has hosted the International Reading Competition "Words are like wings ...". Every year, its participants have an opportunity to communicate with the leading artists: in 2020, Andrei Zibrov, a Russian theater and film actor, came to conduct the master class

12.11.2020 09:31 PSU international students are laureates of the international festival "Together we are the whole country"

International competition-festival of children and youth creativity "Together we are the whole country", which was held from September 25 to November 4 and was timed to coincide with celebrating the Unity Day of the Penza Region peoples
11.11.2020 15:46 Regular online meeting held within the international ENTEP project

On 9 November 2020, the consortium implementing the ENTEP project met in the online mode to discuss the issues of running the project in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
09.11.2020 15:50 International online round table "Political conflict in the context of national politics and intercultural communication" at the Penza State University

The event was organized by Ekaterina Aleshina, Head of Department of "Foreign Languages and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages" of the Faculty of History, Languages and Literature, supported by the Institute of International Cooperation
06.11.2020 11:45 PSU representatives took part in the International Symposium of Arabic language learning centres

The symposium was organized by the General Secretariat of the International Association of Arabic Languages Learning Centres, which includes about 200 departments, centers and faculties
06.11.2020 10:16 The Day of Knowledge for first-year students of English-language training programmes was held at PSU

On November 2, Penza State University held the Day of Knowledge for international students who are enrolled to English-language programmes. The event was broadcast live on the YouTube channel
03.11.2020 13:57 We invite you to take part in the legal forum "Fight Against Extremism!"

Penza State University invites you to take part in the IX International Youth Legal Forum "Fight Against Extremism!", which will be held on December 15, 2020 in an online format
03.11.2020 13:37 PSU professor took part in an online conference on cluster policy

On October 29, Leyla Gamidullaeva, Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Economic Security of Penza State University took part in the virtual conference TCI-2020 within the framework of preparation for the 23rd TCI Global Conference 2021 in Kazan
02.11.2020 10:29 Ceremony devoted to the Day of Knowledge at Penza State University

30.10.2020 08:41 PSU launches a cultural and educational online marathon "Learn the Russian language and culture"

The programme is aimed at generating interest in learning the Russian language and culture and studying Russian at the A1-A2 level
28.10.2020 09:05 Preventing the new coronavirus infection COVID-19

Penza State University international students supported by the Department of Student Affairs of International Education Office, the International Students Association of the Penza Region, and PSU film studio, prepared a video on preventing the new coronavirus infection COVID-19. Take care of...
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