Новости (стр.15). Архив

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02.03.2021 10:11 Online meeting of the LEMEL international consortium members

Ekaterina Aleshina, Head of Department “Foreign Languages and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages” and Tatiana Razuvaeva, Head of International Projects Department, took part in the online meeting of the LEMEL international consortium - L'Europe dans les medias en ligne
20.02.2021 12:13 PSU hosted International Conference of International Students "Intercultural Communication in the Modern World"

More than 100 authors took part in six sections of the conference including students, master’s degree students, post-graduate students and teachers from Russian and foreign universities of Penza, Volgograd, Ulyanovsk, Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Astrakhan, Omsk, Ryazan, Shanghai (China) and Flensburg (Germany)
18.02.2021 10:47 ENTEP project: Fifth group of PSU teachers passed professional development course

For the fifth time, the Centre for Teaching and Learning Erasmus+ became the platform for running the professional development course “Enhancing teaching practices at PSU”
12.02.2021 12:07 A PSU international student becomes laureate of the competition "Student of the Year - 2020"

Nosirjon Karimov from Tajikistan, a 5th year student of the Medical Institute of Penza State University, became a laureate in the "Medical Student of the Year" nomination at the "Student of the Year - 2020" award
09.02.2021 15:28 PSU international students took part in eSport tournaments

Due to the epidemiological situation in Penza, it was decided to replace the traditional Winter Mini-Football Tournament among international students with a new format - eSports
05.02.2021 17:46 PSU students from China and Turkmenistan became prize-winners of the Russian as a foreign language Olympiad

St. Petersburg State University summed up the results of the international Russian as a foreign language Online Olympiad. More than 9500 foreign citizens from 147 countries took part in it. This is the largest intellectual competition in the field of Russian as a foreign language
02.02.2021 15:10 A PSU international student becomes the winner of the creative works competition

Video "We are different - we are together" became the second in the category "Cross-cultural interaction. Friendship of peoples. Tolerance "
02.02.2021 15:08 PSU post-graduate students and their colleagues from Romania presented their reports in linguistics

The II International Student Research Webinar in Language and Culture, held in cooperation with the Transylvania University of Braşov (Romania)
02.02.2021 14:59 PSU held a meeting between the leadership of the Institute of International Cooperation and international students

The meeting was attended by S.A. Ivanchin, Head of the International Education Office, heads of the Office departments, and A. Maqbol, Chairman of the of International Students Association of the Penza Region
26.01.2021 11:12 PSU international students were reminded of the rules of conduct on the territory of the Russian Federation

The meeting was attended by: N.A. Mukhaev, Head of the local district police and juvenile affairs officers of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Penza and representatives of Institute for International Cooperation
15.01.2021 19:08 Survey for international students

The Institute for International Cooperation conducts a survey among international students on the quality of medical insurance services provision. To take part in the survey: PARTICIPATE
30.12.2020 16:18 PSU international students organized a holiday for children in the village of Kichkileika

On Tuesday, December 29, international students of Penza State University visited the Regional Social Rehabilitation Center for Children and Young Disabled People
30.12.2020 09:50 Results of international competition for Green Campus – Green City projects summed up

The competition was held jointly with Flensburg University of Applied Sciences (Germany) for Penza State University students and Penza schoolchildren
29.12.2020 15:05 A PSU international graduate translates "Eugene Onegin" into the Bambara language

Aminata Sissoko from Mali, an international graduate of Penza State University, is the first in the world to translate a novel in verse by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" in the language of Bambara - a people scattered across the endless expanses of Africa
28.12.2020 15:43 PSU hosts a New Year competition among residence halls for international students

On 25 December 2020, the traditional New Year competition “I live here!” was held among international students living in the residence halls. In addition, the results of the first semester were summed up and the most active students were awarded.
28.12.2020 09:11 International students of PSU held an annual charity event

On the New Year’s Eve, international students of Penza State University annually organise a charity event for children at the boarding school in the village of Neverkino
21.12.2020 10:07 International Webinar "EU Languages, Translation and Terminology"

The event was organized by Tatiana Dubrovskaya, Head of English Language Department and was attended by post-graduate students of the department, who are completing the course "Theory of the language", and by students studying International relations
17.12.2020 09:29 Institute of International Cooperation held an interactive game among international students of Penza universities

"Battle of Minds" consisted of four stages, including general knowledge questions and topics such as cinema, music, world records, etc.
10.12.2020 10:20 Fourth group of PSU teachers completed professional development course within the ENTEP project

Together with the trainers of the Centre for Teaching and Learning Erasmus+, the course-takers discussed the most important aspects, principles and instruments of the Bologna Process and explored the best European teaching practices in higher education
09.12.2020 11:19 PSU international students are laureates of the International Reading Competition

12 finalists competed to be the best, including international students of Penza State University: Rozygul Nurullaeva (Turkmenistan), Viktoria Hitdahouse (Indonesia) and Karimzoda Khusravjoni (Tajikistan)
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