Новости (стр.26). Архив

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24.10.2018 16:32 PSU Associate Professor takes part in training session in Bologna

The participants discussed modern methods of teaching. They also performed interactive tasks and participated in shooting a training video.
24.10.2018 15:31 PSU signed a cooperation agreement with a leading university in Uzbekistan

Within the framework of the Forum, a cooperation agreement was signed between Penza State University and one of the largest universities of Uzbekistan - Bukhara State University
24.10.2018 14:45 Delivery ceremony of French international certificates to schoolchildren of Penza and the Penza region at PSU

On October 21, 2018, a meeting with schoolchildren from Penza and the Penza region, learning French, took place at the French Resource Centre at the Faculty of History, Languages and Literature (Department of Foreign Languages and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages).
18.10.2018 16:29 International scientific and practical conference of ENTEP project partners in Kazan

PSU staff delivered their reports within the Conference “Exploring cross-border collaborations in higher education institutions: Teaching and learning” held at Kazan Federal University
15.10.2018 15:09 Consul General of the Republic of Kazakhstan met with foreign students of PSU

On October 11, the Consul General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Kazan, Erkin Valitkhanovich Tukumov, visited the Penza Region
10.10.2018 20:49 Olga Surina and Natalya Pavlova take part in international consortium meeting at Eötvös Loránd University

Director of Belinsky Institute of Teacher Education and Head of the Department of Foreign Languages participated in the international consortium on teacher education
10.10.2018 20:47 PSU lecturer undertakes internship in Hungary

Ekaterina Aleshina, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages, underwent an internship at Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church
04.10.2018 17:20 Penza State University staff attends the 6th International Congress Penza – Flensburg in Germany

The annual congress Penza – Flensburg has already become a landmark event for Penza State University and the European University of Flensburg, Flensburg University of Applied Sciences, DIAKO Clinics Association and St. Francis Hospital
25.09.2018 11:59 International students of PSU promote cooperation with the Youth Parliament of the Penza Region

PSU students representing the International Students Association of the Penza Region visited the Legislative Assembly of the Penza Region and met with deputies
25.09.2018 11:56 Schoolchildren from Flensburg visit PSU

The delegation of schoolchildren from the German city of Flensburg visited Penza State University within international collaboration between the two cities, Penza and Flensburg
19.09.2018 13:55 Call for applications: Studies at European University of Flensburg within Erasmus+ international credit mobility. Summer semester of 2018/2019 academic year

19.09.2018 11:40 Scientific panel discussion at the University of Bari Aldo Moro

Tatyana Dubrovskaya, Head of the Department of the English Language, is currently at the University of Bari Aldo Moro (Italy), where she organises and participates in various scientific events
18.09.2018 12:11 Lecturers from Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church undertake internship at PSU

Kocsis Judit Erzsebet and Lannert Keresztely Istvan underwent scientific and methodological internship at the Department of Foreign Languages and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages
17.09.2018 16:37 PSU professor delivers guest lectures at the University of Bari Aldo Moro

Tatyana Dubrovskaya, Doctor of Linguistics, is on the visit to the University of Bari Aldo Moro (Italy) as the visiting professor
17.09.2018 14:54 International Conference Internationalization of Higher Education: Strategies and Tools

On September 13-15, 2018 Voronezh State University held International Education Week devoted to the celebrations of the 100-year anniversary of its foundation.
14.09.2018 09:40 PhD student of “Computer Engineering” Department made a report at the international conference in Italy

The research work was conducted under supervision of Prof. V. Vyatkin (LTU) and V.N. Dubinin, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Andrei’s research supervisor at PSU
11.09.2018 11:51 Professor of Computer Engineering Department had internship under European mobility programme Erasmus+

The host side was the Faculty of Computer Sciences, Electrical Engineering and Space Engineering, Lulea University of Technology (LTU, Sweden)
10.09.2018 16:23 Tatyana Glotova, PSU Associate Professor participates in training workshop in Hildesheim

The theoretical, individual and cross-cultural approaches to learning in higher education institutions were considered. The participants devoted special attention to intercultural communications, e-learning, innovative methods of teaching
10.09.2018 16:17 PSU Associate Professor participates in training session in Liverpool

All participants of the session noted the high level of organisation and management of training workshops, the informationalvalue of the presented materials, which can be applied in teaching practice in Russian and Chinese universities
05.09.2018 17:14 Tatyana Dubrovskaya pays working visit to Italian university

The Head of the Department of the English Language is currently at the University of Bari Aldo Moro (Italy) as the visiting professor
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